Chapter 2: The Bombing Of Mars

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A tall house sat by the side of the beach in a valley full of green grass and hills. Mountains lined the valley in a semi circle along the land till it reached the water.
Arnold drove through the tunnel in the mountain leading him into the valley.
He parked next to his tall dark house.
He exited the car and walked up to the his front door.

Arnold entered his house to see Adrian - a boy, age 16, who had golden blonde hair, an American accent, lavender mixed with blue eyes - preparing dinner In the kitchen. “hi honey, I see your home from school” said Adrian in his gentle voice
“it was actually interesting, we learned about three different time periods BC, AD and IC” explained Arnold
“sounds interesting” Adrian replied as he pulled out a vershnamore - a vegan meat, as animal meat is banned on Mars - and sat it on a great big dish.
“damn stairs” said Arnold's father - a man in his 110s, with grey hair and light yellow eyes - as he walked down the final set of stairs
“i remember when houses only had two floors, never mind four” Arnold's father complained.
“come on now Graham, no need to complain, you're the one who declined the stairlift, hoverpod, escalator and elevator” said Adrian to Arnold's Father 'Graham'
“that was seven years ago the council offered me that!” complained Graham.
“dad, that was seven months ago” Arnold corrected him in a concerned tone.
Adrian sat the freshly cooked food at the dining table - which was made of a smooth rocky material - before he sat down and said “come on everyone that's dinner ready”
Arnold helped Graham to his seat where they proceeded to eat the vershnamore and potatoes.
“dad, Adrian, I have to tell you something” said Arnold with excitement.
“what is it?” Graham Replied
“yeah, come on tell us what it is” Adrian added
“I've won the lottery” exclaimed Arnold
Suddenly the ground started shaking as a bang sounded in the distance.
The TV turned on automatically as a news reporter who was wearing a gas mask stood in a bunker as she said “Breaking News. Mercury has declared war on Mars. They have thousands of ships attacking the citys around us. Get someplace safe or evacuate the planet”
Graham's eyes lighted up with excitement.
“time to get old Bessie out” he said
Arnold and Adrian looked at each other in shock.
“dad, aren't you a little old to be flying Bessie. Especially through long distance space” Arnold objected
“got any better ideas?” Graham asked calmly

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