Chapter 4: The Virus And The Nurse

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A woman with dark skin, curly hair and lavender clothes is sat by a wounded soldier who was wearing a dark purple uniform. His sleeve had words written on it - We Protect. We Survive. We have hope. - The words symbolised hope for earth.
The woman injected a liquid into the soldier's arm. He flinched.
"now now, you're never gonna stop the virus if you don't rest" The woman said in her Jamaican accent.
The pale soldier tried to sit up but instead fell back asleep.
"we're losing hope. Losing resources. Losing soldiers. How much longer can we last" the woman said to herself.
A group of soldiers came through the door letting in a strong hot breeze as they opened the door.
"close that door, your letting all the cool out" she ordered
The soldiers obeyed her.
"the infected are sounding the barrier" one of them informed
"we're worried they may break through" said the other worriedly
The woman looked at the soldiers sternly and asked
"how many?"
"roughly about a couple thousand" a soldier replied.
"it's worse than I thought" she said to herself.
"ignite operation 62B!" she commanded
"but only the army commander can order that" one of the soldiers replied
"your commander is currently unfit to be commanding" she said while looking down at the soldier beside her.
"do as I say" she ordered
"yes ma'am" they said before they all did their salute by patting their chest twice.
They left the large spacious room quickly.
The woman walked through the spaces between the hundreds of healing bodys of soldiers in the ward until she reached her office.
She looked out the dusty plastic window -with the curtains made of scrap bits of rugs and soft materials- into the polluted wasteland of the last island of earth.
She sat down on her ducktaped swivel chair at her dirty glass desk.
"this was once a continent. A large gigantic continent." she said aloud to herself.
"now it's just one of the last islands on earth. We don't deserve this"
Suddenly a large beam of blue light blasted through the old mucky window startling the woman.
She shakily stood up and walked slowly towards the window.
She could see something distant in the sky. It was pyramid shaped and falling. Falling fast.

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