Chapter 6: A Scottish Performance

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A tall man with cyan hair and violet eyes wore a long green robe with strange golden circle symbols on it.
He walked up to a large glass table and sat down. Sitting at the other side was a bald, large muscular man covered in tattoos with a dark presence around him.
"You know why we're here" The man in green said.
"i do indeed" said the large man.
"I hear you want a peace treaty after all that's happened, you want peace?!" The muscular man exclaimed
"If you don't call off the war we're going to end up killing each other off" the man in green ordered.
"that's a risk I'm willing to take" The large man exclaimed with anger
"well then may the war of mars and mercury begin" The man in green stated

Arnold, Mary, Graham and Adrian all rushed outside the building to see thousands of humans - almost zombie like with their skin being pale white and flaking off to reveal bits of tissue - slowly walking towards them.
"through here" Mary ordered whilst pointing towards a metal barbwire fence with a tall gate. Mary pushed the gate open and closed it as they all got through.
She pulled the lock across and placed a large padlock on top of it.
"run" she ordered calmly
Arnold looked back at the old metal building covered in dust and metal scrap from the storm before he started running along the corridor with fence on either side.
He slipped on the dirt path scraping his knee on the ground.
"Ouch" he exclaimed
He stood back up and began running with a limp. The stinging made him lose concentration with his speed and before he knew it he was falling behind.
Everyone else was miles ahead of him sprinting further and further away from the sector they were in.
Arnold could hear the rattling gate behind him as the infected tried to push it open.
Suddenly Adrian looked back and saw Arnold running slowly with his limp.
"Arnold don't worry I'm coming" he shouted
Adrian run quickly back to Arnold and slid his arm around Arnold's back holding him up. They both ran together at a decent speed now.
The other gate was just up ahead getting closer and closer as they run towards it.
It was like a beacon of hope.
There was a sign above the door which read
you are now entering the Scottish Sector
Soldiers in blue and white uniform were standing behind the large metal fence gate.
"identification?" one guard asked.
Mary responded with "emergency code 9. From the British sector. I myself am Mary Moledas."
The soldiers asked one final question as they pointed to Arnold, Adrian and Graham
"are they with you?"
Mary nodded and the guards pulled out a key card which they swiped against the lock.
All of a sudden Arnold remembered something from his history class
"Didn't Scotland used to be a part of Britain?"
Mary answered in a calm voice "yes, but the Scottish are quite independent alot"
Arnold, Adrian and Graham walked through the gate as they were shown a large wooden cabin with crystal windows and a large blue door.
Mary was held back by the guard to speak to her.
The guard said to them before they entered
"We need to test you first"
He pulled out a small metal pole the size of a stick and pressed it against Arnold's forehead.
It chimed like a small silver bell.
"no viruses or infections, all vital signs look good, last meal about an hour ago" The guard said while reading the little screen on the pole.
He then checked both Graham and Adrian afterwards.
Both were clear.
"All good. Head inside"
The trio walked into the cabin.
It cooled them immediately from the hot temperatures of the outside air.
The warm light radiated from inside.
Inside the cabin was two sets of lavish bunk beds with a mini fridge full of Irn Bru - a Scottish orange fizzy drink filled with energy - sitting next to them. The overhead lamp shone a warm light over the cold room.
Bookshelves lined the wall and the floor was covered in carpet.
The fireplace sat in the left side of the cabin with chairs and tables surrounding it.
This was a big step up from the British sector.
"Wow" they all exclaimed together.
Arnold walked up to the bookshelves to study the books. He had never seen a book before. Adrian walked took a can from the fridge and sipped it "mmm delicious" he announced.
Graham took a seat next to the unlit fireplace.
"been a while since I've seen one of these" he said to himself excitedly.

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