Chapter One: The Machine

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My name is Jamie Jacobs. I am an average boy living in the big city of Bloomington, Minnesota.
My best friend's name is Tony, and we hang out all the time. Our favorite place to go in the area
was at the Mall of America. It is the largest mall in the world, and they were still expanding it. I believe they are now on their 86th expansion to the mall. Mom would drop us off there, and we
spent a lot of time there.

The rides at Ice Village were our favorite things. I heard it was originally a Peanuts-themed park and a Nickelodeon themed park as well. I loved going on the Icy Waterfall Ride. I am short for my age, so I finally got at the height to even get on it. I guess you could say I am the shortest in my class, at forty-eight inches exactly.

There is a rule that we can't be at the mall at our age, without an adult. but only on Friday and
Saturday after 4PM. Since this is a Thursday, we don't care.
We always tried to do bad things. Why not, we are boys. Girls don't usually do that, unless they
were a tomboy.

If a boy did girly things, you could say they were a sissy. I would never be that way. In fact, I
would never be transgender either, since I would never be a girl. Why would I? Being a boy
rocks. I think it's weird when a boy says they want to be a girl. Or a girl wants to be a boy? Now I
won't say I am transphobic, because I am not. I believe it's fine for someone to choose their
gender. But I still think it's weird.

At school, I always pick on the girls. I always think they need it. If you are a girl, you
deserve to be picked on. That's also the reason I would never be a girl. I wasn't going to be
picked on.

One day this year, I was sent to the principal's office because I cut off the ponytail of a girl at recess. I was suspended. I never knew that an eight-year-old could be suspended. My sister was
angry with me as well. If I had done it to her, I bet she would have kicked my ass.

I know I was mean to the girl, but eventually we became friends. Not best friends, that would be
gross. A girl? Her name was Jennifer. I found out she lives across the street from me. I did feel sorry for cutting it off. It was just a joke. I never did that again.

I was not allowed to go out to recess for a month. I was told to stay in class until everyone came back inside. Which sucked. What was I suppose to do the whole time. I had to clean the
chalkboard. Yes, we still have a chalkboard. The school won't bring in white boards, because the markers used on their make people sick. Especially me. After I clean the board, I also have to pound erasers. At least that brings me outside. But not near the playground.

When everyone came in, we had writing class. I like writing, but sometimes it can be disastrous.
Today's class was boring though. I was glad it was almost over. I glanced up at the clock.
"Alright Class," our teacher said. "before we go, I want to give out homework for you to do over
the weekend." The whole class groaned, including me. "I know you hate homework, but I am
doing this because people have been picking on each other. Especially picking on the girls."
Everyone gazed at me. I slid down my seat. "I want a full report about your opposite gender by
Monday." The bell rang right after he said that, and I jumped out of my seat.
I saw my buddy Tony walking out of the room, and I ran to catch up with him.
"This sucks," I complained as we went to his locker.

"Yeah? Well, we wouldn't have been in this mess, if it wasn't for you."
"Sorry," I almost cried. I wasn't going to because boys don't cry.
"You're lucky, Jamie," Tony said. You have a sister. You can simply ask her a few questions."

"Yeah, but she doesn't always talk to me. She's always busy. Listening to her stupid music." We
were going home, like we always do. We only live a few blocks away from the school.
"HEY DWEEBS!" I must have jumped about 5 feet. We both glanced back. Thomas and his gang
were running after us. "Shit! The Sixth Graders!" We both started running. "Why is it every day
they have to do this?" I yelled to Tony, still running. Tony was already ahead of me; he was the
fastest runner in the third grade. "And why do you have to be so quick?"
"I'll see you later!" Tony yelled back. He was already a block away. The Sixth Graders had almost
caught up to me. I ran to an alley where I was trapped at a dead end. I looked around, trying to
find another way out of the alley.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A Pipsqueak trapped like the mouse he is," said

"What shall we do with him?" Said one of the others. They started looking around and spotted a
strange box.

"We'll stuff him in there and hold the door shut," Thomas said, pointing to it. "Come here,
pipsqueak." I was crying by then. "Oh, you're a sissy, aren't you?" I was pushed into the box like
thing. It was really dark. I tried to get out by banging on the door.

"Hey, let me out!" I cried. "I want out!" Just then a light flashed on. First it was bright blue. It
was really bright and I almost couldn't see it. I put my hand over my eyes. The light changed to
purple. I stopped hitting the door, and glanced at the light when it turned to pink. It stayed pink
for about ten seconds, until it finally turned off. The Sixth Graders seemed to have left. I started
opening the door to take a peek, then I came out of the box. I started walking, but I couldn't move far, because the next thing I knew, I fainted.

I woke up about an hour later, not knowing what happened. I slowly got to my feet and started
going home. I was only about two blocks away when I had to pee badly. "I could do this outside, but I don't want to get caught," I thought. I ran as fast as possible to the Planet Fitness half a block away. The lady at the front desk saw me rush in. "Excuse me ma'am, where is the restroom?"

"It's over there sweetie, you won't miss it."

"Thank you!" I ran as fast as possible. I didn't think I could make it in time. Running into the stall
and unzipping my pants, I started to...


"What the heck?" I just sprayed all over my pants. Surprised on what I did, I looked down and saw the scariest surprise of my life. Instead of my boy parts, I had a little slit. Yes, that's right, a
vagina. I wasn't a boy, I was a girl. "Oh My God!" I yelled. "Where's my...? This can't be happening to me!" I was so scared that I ran out of the room with wet pants on. Ran as fast as I could out of the store and down the street to my house. Luckily, my parents weren't home. I didn't want them to know I was a girl. My sister was home. I knew I couldn't keep this secret forever, so I decided to tell her. Maybe she knew what to do and say.

By the time I got inside the house, my hair was down past my shoulders. Of course, my sister was
in her room playing her favorite music from the musical group, One High-Speed. "Jessica!" I yelled over the music. "Jessica--you gotta help me!" I was freaking out by the time I got to her

"What do you want, twerp?" She yelled, turning around to gawk at me. "What the Hell?" I
started crying my eyes out.
"You got to help me. I turned into a girl!"

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