Chapter Three: Lewis and his Goons

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"Jamie, please come out," Mother said, standing outside the girls' stall.
"No, I won't," I cried."My friend Tony knew it was me all along."
"I know you're upset, but it doesn't mean you have to hide from it."

"I hate it. I hate being a girl!"
"Jamie, being a girl isn't so bad."

"It is, if you know someone who knew you used to be a boy."

A lady in the stall next to me came out and stared at my mom in disgust. "You gave your son a sex change? You're disgusting!" She scowled and left the room.

"I did not give her a sex change!" Mom yelled back. She glanced back at the stall. "Please come out, Jamie. The pizza's almost ready." Jessica came into the room.

"Mom, Tony wants to see Jamie."

"Tell him, I don't wanna see him," I came out of the stall.

"Jamie," Jessica put her hands on her hips. "He said he wasn't going to pick on you, he just wants to see you." I sighed.

"Fine, but if he picks on me, I am staying in the car until we leave."

We stepped out of the girls restroom. Tony was standing outside waiting. I saw him and quickly glanced down at the floor. "Hi Tony," I said softly.

"H-Hi Jamie, He appeared surprised. "Can we talk in private?" He asked Jessica and Mom. They
both left. Tony and I started walking. "Jessica told me that you were accidentally turned into a girl. Is that true?"
I started to cry.

"Oh Jamie, don't cry. I am not trying to pick on you."

"I know that, I just don't wanna be a girl." We went outside the restaurant to talk.
"You know, your school project will be a lot easier now." We both laughed.

"Yeah, but which one should I choose as the topic?"

"Hmm... excellent question. Tony looked puzzled. "At the time Mr. Johnson asked us, you were a boy. Now that you're a girl..."
"Don't remind me."

Tony looked me up and down. "Jamie," he started blushing. "You're attractive."

"Oh thanks," I said with a smile. "You think so?"

"Yeah. By the way, I won't treat you any different. We're still best friends, even if you are now a


I started playing with my hair.

"Can you be my girlfriend?" He asked after a short pause.

"Wait, you want me to be your..."

"If you want."

"Oh, you think I have cooties?" I started laughing.

"No. The reason why I said that is--" Just then, a big white van came screeching towards Tony and me. I didn't have much time to run before a man got out and took me inside.
"Help!" I yelled. Another man got a cloth and put it over my face. It smelled unpleasant, and then I fainted.

Tony ran back into the restaurant. He raced over to Jessica and Mom. "Mrs. Jacobs! Jamie was kidnapped!"

"SHE WHAT!" Mrs. Jacobs cried.
The whole restaurant heard the news, put the place on lockdown, and immediately called the police.


A few minutes later: In a small warehouse on the other side of town, I finally woke up and was confused. I looked around and saw that I was in a tiny room with no windows.

I started to cry. "Let me out of here!" I screamed. There was nobody around. I tried the door. For some reason, the door was unlocked. I walked out slowly, and I looked all around and started to
find a way out of the building. I didn't go far when a man encountered me.

"Hey you!" He yelled. I started running. I ran to a hallway and tried my best to find another door. Hoping it was the right one out. I got trapped between him and the end of a hallway.

Déjà vu, I cried. I knew I wasn't able to get away from him.

"Come on, girl," he said. He grabbed me and brought me to another man. "Hey, Lewis! She attempted to get away."

Lewis went over to me. "I see. Well, we will have to teach her a little lesson... Strip her and lock her in a different room. And make sure it's locked before you go."
I was taken to another room, and the men forcefully ripped off all my clothes, including my underwear.
I was standing nude in front of all of them crying my eyes out.


At the restaurant, the police were in back interviewing Tony.

"...Then the next thing I knew, a man in a white van took her away."

"Did you notice a license on the van?" An officer spoke to him.

"No, I was too scared," Tony frowned and stared at the ground. "Sorry."

"That's okay, son, you tried your best." He then went over to Mrs. Jacobs. "Do you have a recent
picture of her?"

"I don't," she says. But I have a picture of her twin brother that died a year ago," she lied, looking through her purse for a picture of boy me.

"We can always sketch her," the officer said, taking the picture of me.


At the warehouse, I sat naked in the room. I was so embarrassed. The men took my clothes and
locked the room. All I could do was cry. A video camera watched me constantly.
If I moved one way, it followed me. If I moved down, it followed me back.

"What do you want from me!" I yelled into the camera. Of course there wasn't any answer.

An hour later, I was laying on the floor. I was so bored that I fell asleep. I was asleep for about
ten minutes when I woke up hearing sounds of keys opening the door. When the door opened
up, I ran out as fast as possible. The man caught and restrained me.

"Just for that, you don't get dinner." He said, taking the tray of food back with him and locking the door. I started bawling. I never got to have pizza at ChuckECheese, and play in the arcade. I went to the door and listened. I could hear a TV. The news was on.

"We have an Amber Alert at this hour. Eight year old Jamie Jacobs was kidnapped about an hour ago from a local ChuckECheese. A witness reports he saw a man take her into a white van." The reporter said on the television. "Restaurant video cameras have this video that might help us look for little Jamie. Here is a sketch of Jamie."

I pouted. "Shit, now all my friends know I'm a girl."

The man from earlier returned to the room. "My boss told me I should still feed you," he growled. "But because of the latest time you tried to escape, he wants you in the same room as us. We will have to tie you up."

"Great, now I have to be in the same room as them, and naked as well," I thought.

They tied me up to a chair and took my picture. I started to cry.

"Hey, we saw your picture on TV and thought you needed a picture instead of a sketch." They all laughed.


At the Jacobs home, Mom and Jessica were sitting with the police, waiting for a phone call from the kidnappers.

"How do you know they will call--they don't even know our phone number," said Jessica.

"More likely they asked your sister for the number." One officer spoke.

"I really hope so." Jessica cried.

The next thing they knew, the phone rang. Mom answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello Mrs. Jacobs," a man said over the speaker. "Your daughter is fine, but we want something from you."

"What do you want?"

"We want Twenty Million American Dollars sent to a Swiss bank account."

"Twenty Million Dollars?" She started crying. "We don't have that much."

"And every hour that we don't have the money, your daughter will be beaten... Kapeesh?"

"I understand," Mom sobbed.

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