Chapter Four: Plan

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"What the hell are all these police cars in front of our house doing?" Our dad came into the
house after a long day at work. Of course, I didn't know he did, because I wasn't home.
"Sir, your daughter was kidnapped," a police officer mentioned to him. Dad had a worried expression on his face and stepped into the living room to sit down. He looked at Mom and Jessica.

"Wait! Jessica is right here!" He said. "She's not kidnapped."

"Mr. Jacobs, your other daughter was kidnapped," the officer explained to him. Dad was


"I don't have another daughter. I have one son, and one daughter."
"You had a son, now you have two daughters," Mom explained.

"How can I have two daughters? We have always had one girl and one boy!" dad yelled.

"Please give me a chance to explain," mom cried.

"No need to explain," dad yelled, while getting up from the couch. "I knew that naming our son, a girls name, was a bad idea."

"Jamie is a gender neutral name. It can be used as both genders. I know Jamie is more of a girl name, but now it actually fits her."

"Him! Stop calling our queer son a girl. If he wants to be one, I don't want to be here."

He stormed out of the house and got in the car.

"If you all want to see me again, he better stop acting like a girl and more like the boy, he really

"But honey..."

Dad sped away. You could still hear his car for a few blocks. Mom stood at the end of the

driveway. You could see her sobbing.

"Mrs. Jacobs..."

"Call me Joslyn." Mom was crying.

"Okay, Joslyn, it is. But for the record, we have to use your last name. Anyways, we have to get back to helping your daughter. She is in serious trouble." The police officer was studying at
a few papers that were just handed to him. "We got a trace on the call that just came in." It is located..." He glanced at the papers and back at mom. "at the police station?"

At the warehouse, I sat with the kidnappers watching TV. One guy wanted to watch sports. I
wasn't interested. I wanted to watch another show. I hated sports, which is weird, because I used to love watching them. That was a few days ago when I last saw one watching it with my dad. Of

course it was also when I was a boy.

"I wanna watch Horseland," I cried. I didn't understand why I wanted to watch the show. I never

wanted to watch it before. But for some reason, I wanted to watch it now.

"Horseland is for girls," the man yelled back. "Now shut up!" I sat there crying. I was still tied
up. It was better in the room. At least I could move around if I wanted to. But on the chair tied

up, I couldn't even budge.

In another part of the room, I could see a man looking at pictures. He had one hand in his pants.
Not exactly knowing what the pictures were of, but I can tell they were pictures. Mom has a few
pictures in an album of us when I was little. If I could slap my face, I would. Why? Because I am little. Sometimes I don't think.

I saw Louis walking out of a room. It looked like the room I was in earlier. But I could see a desk. He didn't look pleased.

"It looks like one hour has gone by since the phone call," he said. Then he took out a pocket knife
and opened it up. I gazed at it in horror. He went up to me and cut my cheek. "That's barely a scratch, imagine what it would be like when it's another hour."
I screamed and I was crying really hard. I didn't want more pain.

"I want my Mommy!"

"Shut the hell up, little girl!" Louis looks over at the man with the pictures. "Jimmy, what the heck are you doing?" He walks over to him. "You sick pervert!" He takes the pictures from Jimmy and throws them across the room.
One landed next to me. I looked down and noticed they were pictures of me naked. The same ones they took earlier. I started to cry.
Louis took Jimmy and went to another room. "If I see you doing something that perverted again,
I will cut off..." That's all I could hear him say, since he slammed the door behind him.
I sat in the room. I was still crying, but at least the man watching TV was nice enough to change the set to a cartoon. It wasn't the greatest cartoon, since it was in black and white, but I enjoyed watching something other than sports.
It was some old cartoon called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. It was a bit boring, since it was a silent picture, but I watched it.


At the police station, the police found the phone being used. They dusted for fingerprints. They came up with nothing. It was going to be a long night for them. One good thing they did manage to find was on their security camera. It pointed out the window recording the driver and the license plate number of the car he was driving. They automatically check the license.

"The license plate is a Minnesota license with 370H55V written on it." They checked it out on the computer.

"We have the location, but that's a car reported stolen only a few days ago."
Without speaking, they both sat there trying to figure out the complicated mystery.
"Wait! What if we checked all houses and warehouses in the area of the stolen cars owner? They must be there somewhere."

Back at the warehouse, I found a way to get out of being tied up. The man in the room
was asleep. I managed to sneak by and run to a near by room. "Yes! There's a window!" I went
over and tried to open it. It was really hard for me to push it open. Besides, I was on the second
story window. "If I jump, I would get hurt, and I am naked as well." I don't want to run around the city with no clothes on." I knew I might get caught any minute, so the next thing I thought of was to write a message on a sheet of paper and drop it out the window. "Ah, an envelope with an address of this building. I will write on this and throw it out. Hopefully someone will find it."

I finished the letter and threw it out the window, just in time, because the sleeping man caught me.

"She's trying to escape!" He yelled.

Another man ran over to me and put a cloth filled with chloroform over my face. I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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