Chapter Two: More Changes

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"Jamie?" Jessica asked in disbelief. "Is that you?"
I turned and covered my face with hands, trying to hide it from her.

Jessica continued moving around me looking closer. "Jamie, that is you!" she said with certainty.

"Why are you dressed as a girl?"

I so wanted to die! Tears began leaking out, and I scrunched my eyes tight. Jessica held my arms
and turned me around to face her. I couldn't open my eyes, my stomach was shaking as I began to cry.

"I told you," I sobbed, "I turned into a girl!" Jessica raised an eyebrow.

I knew she did not believe me. She slid her fingers into my hair and gave it a gentle tug. She
tried again further again up on the top of my head. Again, her slight pull met tight
resistance. It then dawned on her that the hair was attached to the head.

"Ow!" I protested. "That's my hair!" I pushed her hands away and rubbed my head where she

had pulled it.

"I'm sorry Jamie... I thought it was a real wig." She looked a little closer at my hair. "Your hair, it's really real!"

I wiped my eyes with my fingers and was determined to prove it to her for once and all. I pulled
down my pants to my knees, and then, more hesitant, I slowly pulled down my underwear.
Jessica was awestruck. "Jamie, I didn't know. I mean honest...I'm sorry."

"I'm a freaking girl." I started pouting and pulled my clothes back up. I felt a little uncomfortable with her staring.

"Being a girl isn't so bad, you know? I'm one too." Jessica then added, "But I don't think we can't tell Mom or Dad."

I started twirling my hair with my finger. "Well, can we cut my hair then?" Maybe they won't know."

"I dunno. You're cute this way," Jessica said with a smile.

"Cute?! I look like a freaking girl." I pouted.
"Well, you are a girl," giggled Jessica. I started crying heavily.

"I don't wanna be a girl!" I ran to her bed, throwing a tantrum. The next thing we knew, our mother stepped into the house.

"Kids, come here quick," Mother yelled up the stairs.
"Just a minute," Jessica said through her doorway.

"Now!" Mother demanded. I glanced at Jessica, and with a frown on my face, we both stepped slowly downstairs. Our mother looked at us in surprise. "Who are you?" She said, staring at me.

We glanced at each other, then back at her. I started crying again.

"It's me, Mommy."

"Jamie, why are you wearing a wig?" Asked mother.

"It's not a wig, it's her real hair," Jessica said, noticing she made a mistake, and covered her mouth.

"Her?" Jessica, Jamie is a boy, not a girl," Mother complained. "Don't pick on him."
"Mommy," I cried even harder, not knowing why I called her Mommy. My sister always said that

at my age, I always called her Mom. "I am a girl."

"You can't be a girl, you were born a boy, and--" she stops talking when I started pulling down my pants. "Oh--my--God!" She said looking at my new girl parts.

"I told you, I'm a girl," I cried.

"How did this happen? I need some explaining, lady?"

"I dunno, Mommy, I noticed it when I was in the restroom at the store. That's why my pants are so wet. I accidentally peed myself, but before that I fainted..." Then I remembered... It's the box!
Well, I think it's a box--more of a machine. It must have turned me into a girl." I started
squeaking. "I don't even remember where it is." I began squeaking even more.

"What's wrong with your voice? Why are you squeaking?"

"I don't...[Squeak]" I stop talking.

"Jamie, your voice sounds like a little girl's voice now," said Jessica. I started crying again, but this time I sounded like a little girl crying. I ran to my room and jumped on my bed, hiding under my blanket.

"Jamie!" Mother yelled, running up the stairs after me. "Please come back here sweetie."

"No! I'm not leaving this bed!"

"If you don't, we won't be going to the special place I was planning on going to."
"I don't care, I don't wanna go anywhere if I have to look and sound like a girl."
"Not even if it's ChuckECheese?" That made me jump up from underneath her covers.

"Mommy, we never go there."
"We are now."

"Well, I am not going." I went back under my covers. "If I have to be a girl, that is. All my friends will notice me."
"No, they won't even notice you."

"Yes, they will." I got out of the covers again. Mother looked at me and started laughing.

"Sorry sweetie, but you won't be noticed at all."
"Yeah, they will--you and Jessica noticed me."

"You don't look like a male anymore. Your face has changed and now appears more feminine." I
jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom mirror. The next thing I knew, I screamed a
girlish scream. I now officially looked like a girl. Jessica came into my room where Mother was.
"I heard we are going to ChuckECheese." She was so excited. "I found this beautiful dress for Jamie.

"Nuh uh, I am not wearing a dress."

"Please Jamie, for me, your big sister. I have the same looking dress. We could both look like twin sisters tonight." I thought for a while.
"Okay, I will wear a dress." I shrugged. "But I won't like it."

"Yay!" Jessica was so thrilled. I took the dress, stared at it for a minute, and slowly put it on. "I'm scared. I have never worn a dress before."

"You look so cute in it," Mother said, moving around me. "Do a little spin for Mom."

"Mommy!" I protested. Mother looked at me with the expression that bothers me. It's like a stun
ray or something. I sighed. "All right, Mommy. I spun in a circle a few times. But something in my mind triggered and I wanted to do it again. "Mommy, I am so cute."
"Oh sweetie," Mother said, giving me a hug. "Are you willing to be a girl?" I stared at myself in the mirror.
"Not really, but if I have to be a girl, I want you and Jessica to be happy."

We got to ChuckECheese and I was apprehensive. "Mommy, there are many kids in there, and some of them are my friends."
"That's okay, sweetie, they won't even notice you, as I said before, you don't even look like a boy."
anymore. You are more feminine." We all stepped into the restaurant, me holding my mom's
hand. I must have looked shy because I was hiding behind Mom the whole way into the building as we found a seat. The waitress walked over and started getting our order.
"Did you know today is girls night?" We give all the girls 20 free tokens to have as much fun as they want." She handed us both the free tokens. I was so overjoyed that I smiled with excitement.
"Mommy, now I'm glad I am a girl."
"Go ahead and have some fun while the pizza is being made." My sister and I ran off to the
arcade. I accidentally bumped into my best-friend Tony.
"I'm sorry Miss..." Tony looked at me with wide eyes. "Jamie?"

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