Why here

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Lily took a small peek outside and saw a nightmare.

'The black knights are here?!' Lily screamed in her head.

"Lily is something wrong?" Nunnally asked.

"I don't know." lily responded hugging her sister.

The doors downstairs opened with the rushing of footsteps. The door opened and there he stood. the commander of the black knights. ZERO.

"Bring them with us. I want no harm to come to them." Zero ordered.

A black knight grabbed lily's arm and the other pushed nunally's wheelchair.

"Where are you taking us." Lily asked zero.

"Somewhere safe." he replied.

Zero then puts them in his nightmare

"Stay here." he said and left.

"You ok nunnally?" Lily asked.

"Yeah i am. i wish lelouch was here." she said.

'Yeah lelouch would know what to do.' I thought.

As lily looked outside she saw a white nightmare.

"Zero there you are." it said while landing in front of us. It sounded like suzaku.

Lily climbed out of the nightmare.

"Wait were not zero." she screamed.

"Lily?!" Suzaku got out of his nightmare and ran toward them.

"What are you two doing in here?" He asked carrying nunnally out if the nightmare.

"We were in our room when zero came in and put us in his nightmare." nunnally explained.

"Zero doesn't know when to stop. Come on." Suzaku took both of them aboard a britannian ship.

"I need you guys to watch them." suzaku said.

"Who are they?" A man asked.

"I am Lily vi britannia." Lily said.

"I am Nunnally vi britannia." Nunnally said.

"Your highness will be safe with us. after this is done we will bring you back to the main land." the lady said.

"What about lelouch?!" Nunnally said worriedly.

"Our older brother lelouch vi britannia is with us. When we are leaving i want him with us." Lily demanded.

"I'll go find him don't worry." Suzaku said.

"Thank you." Nunnally said.

About two hours later Suzaku came in with a worried lelouch.

"Thank god you both are ok." Lelouch said.

"Were going back to the main land." Lily said with a smile.

'No we can't be. This will ruin everything.' Lelouch thought.

"Why are we going back. Weren't we banished." Lelouch said.

"Maybe dad forgave us already." Lily suggested.

'I hated that Lily still referred to that bastard as dad. it's sickening.' Lelouch thought.

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