The Plane Ride

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"Lelouch?" Lily asked.

Lelouch had been staring out the window, his fist balled up ever since the plane had taken off.

"Im fine lily, just keep an eye on nunnally." Lelouch said not even looked at them.

Lily got up from her seat and went to sit with nunnally. The two of them then made paper cranes and talked. Lelouch on the other hand was plotting his next move. He did not have C2 with him, so he did not know what to do.

"Would you like some tea your highness?" C2 dressed as a flight attendant asked.

"Thank god your here. I need a favor C2." Lelouch said.

"As long as i get to buy more pizza ill do it." C2 said.

"Keep an eye on lily and nunnally. Im going to use my geass on the pilot to take us back to Japan." Lelouch explained.

C2 agreed and Lelouch made his way to where the pilot was. On his way there he heard a familiar voice.

"I'll make sure that the princesses will make it to the castle safely. I will not let what happened to euphie happen to them." Susaku said to the general.

"Susaku?" Lelouch asked.

"Hey lelouch long time no see huh. Well i was put in charge of guarding lily and nunnally." Susaku explained with a smile.

"I see, but if you wouldn't mind heading us back to Japan. I don't think we should change things to quickly for them since they are still so young." Lelouch said.

"True, i will see what i can do lelouch. I bet you just miss Shirley." Susaku teased.

"What the hell Susaku?" Lelouch said.

"Don't worry i wont tell." Susaku said while walking away.

When lelouch made it back to his sisters he saw they were making paper cranes with C2.

"Lelouch do you think area 11 will become Japan again?" Lily asked.

"I'm not sure ((of course it will. Once i get back to the black knights i will bring forth justice)) but don't worry about that for now lily." Lelouch said.

"I agree big brother. Maybe one day the three of us can do something." Nunnally said.

"Yeah i bet we could!" Lily exclaimed.

Lelouch went back to his seat to think. He wanted to make a world that nunnally and lily will both be happy and safe. He also wanted to get revenge on Britannia. Unbeknownst to lelouch, lily was coming up with her own plan. All she was missing was how to get herself a nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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