Chapter 2: Ablazing Encounter

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Years later...
     A woman came around as a maid and was treated with cruel disrespection. She would always get the hardest parts of the job and her boss wouldn't even listen to her getting a raise or just getting easier parts of the building. With a hard working but good paying job just for being a maid she also had depression.
   At some point she decided to take her own life. One day she had it hidden she brought rope. She is going to hang herself. Cleaning every room she did a customer passing by noticed it. He noticed the rope. "What's the rope for?" He said. She didn't say anything. He didn't get at first but with extra thought he figured it out. He thought she is going to commit suicide. "Hey, ma'am listen you shouldn't end your life here. I'm sure you have a family member or friend to talk to. You should tell them how you feel. You can't bottle up your emotions like this and let them out this way." He said trying to help her. "My life is none of your concern." She said.
About 3 hours later she started cleaning her last room, 217. She opened the door holding her lantern. She took out her rope getting ready. Tying the knot she then heard a suspicious sound in the back.
    She decided to investigate it. She didn't want no witnesses. Passing a boiler in the dark room she got deeper and deeper into the room. The sound suddenly came to a stop.
So did she right where she last heard it. Looking everywhere now in silence. She then felt a draft of wind.
"So cold." She said. "Mary..." something said calling her name. "Mary." It said again. She started getting scared. Out of nowhere she heard something fall. Kabwoom! Went an unused old piece of wood.
She walked over to it and saw carving. Her name carved in the wood. "Who's there?!" She shouted. No answer.
    Than turning she got scared half to death another staff member. "Don't scare me like that. You almost scared me to death." Mary said. "What do you mean?" The guy said. "You with the sound, and the wood, saying my name." She said back. "Mary that wasn't me." Said the only kind staff member to her.
Suddenly they both heard the sound again. Gggggshrxrxrxrxrggggg! The sound went. So scared they didn't move. whatever was their left them paralyzed. It is the demon. It possessed the Staff member. "Henry?" Mary said. Henry possessed had his eyes turn to white with devilish sounds groaning out of his mouth. "You're a nice girl." The demon said. "I hope you enjoyed your stay." It said. Now not paralyzed she dropped the lantern accidentally starting a fire.
Running for her life she's completely unaware what she started. At sudden she tripped down the main stairs and twisted her neck. All the staff members heard her fall and came to her.
"Mary. Mary Mary Mary Mary, a staff member said." She died from the fall and the cause of a twisted neck. They had witnessed their first disturbing death.

Later after that they smelted the fire and evacuated everyone out. The fire took half the building down. The rest is became saved as rain came pouring in.
Once that was done they went to rebuild the hotel. They had no idea what had occurred this death and tragic event to come. Deciding to hold held and only known to staff if they ever find out the answer they could only say, Mary slipped and fell down the stairs and the boiler in the room must've must have flicked a flare of charcoal out setting the hotel ablaze.

Later though they found a lantern in the room with burned rope inside the now decayed burnt room. They could only think she saw something and dropped it being terrifying and ran out and not being careful she tripped and fell of the stairs.
The hotel has then became terrifying place to be in in the time. The have lost their tourism. Updating the hotel with the last money left they had the boiler room become a new room. "217" it came to be.
Covering up the story leaving everything behind their shut tight mouths as a secret. Business got lower and lower for them. Even though they weren't out of business they were at least still keeping the hotel alive and well with its customers to have a great experience.

The Fearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें