Chapter 6

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I was having such a bad day today. I didn't get enough sleep last night after what Cynthia did to me. In the morning, I fell out of my bed, hurting my back. Then, I stubbed my toe, swearing and tripping on something (I have no idea what). During breakfast, I spilled my orange juice on my white blouse, groaning. I was almost late to work but I managed to get there on time. My head was pounding and I was exhausted way too much to do my work, but I forced myself. 

I couldn't even think straight. I glance at the guys and they were all smiling, chatting with each other.

At least they're happy.

I look at Cynthia and she was smirking at me. I scowl and clenched my jaw, taking a look at my wrist. The scars were still there, but a little better.

This day BETTER not get any worse.

"I see that you're having a good day, Navya."

Oh no.

I sighed and turn to Cynthia, glaring at her. "What do you want from me? You already did what you want yesterday, so go away." 

She laughs, shaking her head. "Don't think I'm done yet. I still have more up my sleeve." 

I looked at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She smirked and walked away, leaving me angry.

"No, seriously! What are you up to?!" I yelled, but she doesn't hear me.

Whatever that bitch is planning, it's not gonna be good.

I sat back down and finished working, even though I was still exhausted. I couldn't stop thinking about what Cynthia said. 

Is she gonna hurt the others...or Jin, especially? 

God, my heart breaks just thinking about that. 

I don't want her to hurt my friends. If only I knew what she was planning.

I sighed and that's when the bell rings for lunch. The guys all go before me and I walk behind them, tired and stressed. I sit down at a different table cause I didn't want them to see me in this state. Then, I remember. 

Shit, I forgot to bring lunch...whatever, I'm not that hungry anyway.

I sighed and rested my head on my arms, exhausted. I know I should eat, but after what happened last night...I lost my appetite. I could hear the guys laughing about something. I'm happy if they're happy. 


I saw Navya sitting alone by herself, her head down with no food. My brows furrow and I frowned.

I wonder what's wrong. I hope she's okay.

I stood up, but Jungkook stopped me. "Hyung, where are you going?" 

"I see Navya over there by herself, so I'm gonna ask what's wrong." The guys all look behind me and they frown, seeing Navya with her head down.

"Oh, we didn't even see her this morning." Hoseok pouted. "We were too busy talking to each other to notice."

"Yeah, I'm gonna see what's up." I grab my food and head over to the table, sitting down. 

"Navya? Are you okay?" She raises her head hearing my voice.

"Oh, Jin." A small smile appears. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Where's your lunch?" 

"I forgot to bring it today. But, it's okay, I don't have much of an appetite today." She frowned and my eyes widened.

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