Bloopers - Part 2

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These bloopers are going to be from the second part of the story, Chapters 25-40 :))

Note that this is WAY longer than the first one I did 😭😭

Hair Color Condundrum - Take 1

The door bursts open with a dramatic flourish, revealing Jin...with flaming red hair. Everyone stares at him.

"Uh... hello? Did someone order a spicy firecracker?" He tries to twirl his hair, but ends up pulling on a strand and winces, making everyone laugh.

He grinned sheepishly. "Maybe red wasn't the best choice. Let's try a different color, shall we?"

Take 2

Jin bursts through the door again, hair a shocking shade of green. Everyone recoils slightly.

"I made it! Whew!" Jin was out of breath.

"Hyung...your hair... it's..." Taehyung sputtered.

Jimin was trying not to laugh. "Like a radioactive leprechaun?"

Everyone cracks up, Jin joining in sheepishly.

Jin runs a hand through his hair. "Okay, okay, maybe I should have checked the color chart more carefully..."

Take 3

Jin bursts through the door again for the third time, hair a chaotic explosion of rainbow colors.

"I... made it! Sorry, I'm late!" He pants and there's a beat of stunned silence in the room.

Then, everyone loses it. Jimin falls to the floor, his squeaky laughter could be. Hoseok clutches his sides. Namjoon hides a smile behind his hand. Navya shakes her head, trying to contain a laugh.

"Okay, maybe this wasn't the best idea..." Jin sheepishly rubs his head.

The laughter finally subsides, leaving everyone gasping for air.

Namjoon wipes a tear from his eye. "Hyung, where did you even find rainbow hair dye?"

"Let's just say the internet is a strange and wonderful place."

"You look like a magical unicorn threw up on your head!" Jungkook snorts and everyone bursts out laughing again and Jin groans, burying his face in his hands.

Heels, Hair, and Hilarity - Take 3


We all looked ahead and froze as we saw who was standing in front of us.


Everyone all stood there in shock, jaws dropped. Navya didn't know how long they stood there like that, but it was for a while.

She still looks the same except... her hair is black now. Last time, it was brown. Navya thought in her head.

"So, long time no see, huh? I see you're still skinny like uncooked spaghetti."

"Wait, before you start insulting me, can we just take a moment to appreciate the irony of you calling someone skinny when you're wearing heels that look like they'd break your ankles if you walked on grass?" Navya crossed her arms together and everyone laughed, making Cynthia glare at Navya and stumbles slightly in her heels.

Take 4


Everyone all stood there in shock, jaws dropped. Suddenly, Yoongi gasps dramatically, throwing his hand up to cover his mouth, eyes wide with exaggerated shock. Everyone else struggles to maintain their composure, stifling laughter.

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