Flame's little secret and the nap time

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We finish lunch, and daddy removes our bibs and puts me down from my high chair.

Flame says, "Okay, daddy and little sis, come to my room, and I will tell you something."

We go to Flame's room, and I close the door, and Flame climbs onto his bed.

I sit down and swing my tail.

Flame takes a deep breath, and when he winds the air out, a little flare comes out of his mouth, and he starts to talk,

"daddy asked about the reason why I wanted to get fed. I wanted to get fed because it feels comfortable. I want more attention, the care makes me feel safe, and I want to try it because of curiosity."

Daddy says, "good son, you are so brave. I'm so proud of you."

Flame starts to cry.

I start to worry and ask, "big bro, are you okay?"

Daddy pets my head, "don't worry, Sakura, he is okay. He is crying to

unload the stress that crowded him from hiding his secret desires."

Daddy says, "now, time for your nap Sakura."

I say, "Okay, daddy."

Flame calms down and says, "I go to nap too. What if Sakura sleeps with me this time?"

I say, "it would be comfortable, so yes, if it's okay for daddy. Is it okay, Daddy?"

Daddy smiles, "of course, it's okay," and puts my paci on Flame's bedside table.

I say, "Daddy, can you bring something to drink?"

Daddy says, "yes," and goes to pick something to drink.

When daddy comes back, he says, "Flame, I have a baby bottle for you too, just in case you want something to drink," and hands my baby bottle to me and puts Flame's baby bottle on his bedside table.

Daddy kisses both of us on the cheek and says, "sleep well dear ones."

Then daddy leaves.

We grab our bottles and start drinking.

I drank only a little bit before I pulled the bottle out of my mouth.

I sight disappointed, "aw, my milk is cold, I wished having warm milk." (Daddies have never warmed our milk up, as long as we started to wear diapers again and they have given bottles to us, but I started to want that they hand over warm milk when I go to bed).

Flame says, "if you want warm milk, I can help you," Flame takes my bottle from me and holds it in front of his mouth with his paws.

He blows little flares against my bottle, and when he hands my bottle back, it feels much warmer, however not too hot.

Flame does the same to his bottle.

I push my bottle into my mouth again and start sucking, and Flame starts sucking too. This time warm milk flows into my mouth.

When I have drunk 2/6 of the bottle and have 4/6 left, I take my bottle out and say, "thank you for warming my milk, big bro. It's much more comfortable to drink now." Flame answers, "nice to hear," and I continue drinking until my bottle is empty.

When I have drunk my bottle empty, Flame says, "now is time to sleep, lay down, dear."

I lay down and say, "I feel cold."

Flame says, "don't worry, you feel warm soon," and pushes my paci in my mouth.

Flame pulls me against him and wraps his tail around me.

I press my head against Flame's tummy and hear his breathing and heartbeat. He pets my head.

Listening to Big Bro's breathing and heartbeat while he pets me makes me feel so safe, so comfortable, and so sleepy, and I happily fall asleep.

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