Chapter 28

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I walk inside after Sapphire and Koko, and the rest of our family follows me. I go over Sapphire and Koko, and Koko asks, "big sis, do you want that we show you my house," I answer, "Oh, yes."

They show me all places and tell me their memories about each important one. We go to Koko's room, and Koko says, "ah, Sapphire, do you remember the one day in there?"

Sapphire says, "you mean the day we were still in diapers and your parents baked our favorite recipes and left them on the kitchen table, and we stole the plate and took it into your room. And somewhere after we ate the baked good, your parents surprised us by coming into your room saying, "have someone made a mess?" We both blushed, nodded, and both of us pointed at ourselves. Your mommy changed you. And when my turn came, I looked down and sputtered, "sorry, I didn't mean." And your mommy lovingly laughed and hugged me, saying, "you are a baby. You make a mess and wet your diaper sometimes, but it is okay. Wetting and messing diaper belongs to the baby's life." And changed me and patted my diaper and tickled our stomachs while we were lying on your bed, making us giggle and finally put us to sleep." Sapphire laughs, "I was so silly when I thought your parents would get mad when find out my soiled diaper." Koko laughs, "yup, I was silly too."

I say, "aw, this is cute."

Sapphire and Koko say, "thank you, big sis."

Koko climbs onto his old bed, curls up with Sapphire, and sights "ah."

Sapphire and Koko look back to happy moments.

After that, Sapphire and Koko climb onto the floor.

Sapphire points at something under the bed, "oh, what's that?"

Koko and Sapphire go just next to the bed and pull something under the bed. I go next to them and see that they hold a box. The box is nonagon-shaped. The nonagon-shaped box Sapphire and Koko are holding has nine keyholes, one on each side.

The first side is blue, the following three sides to the right are brown, the following side is black, followed by a pure white page, the after side is red, and then there is a blue side. The last page is pink.

I say, "Hey, there is still something under your bed."

I pull out a small golden chest with a golden rolled paper tied to it with silvery ribbon. I hand the chest and paper to Sapphire, who puts them in his bag.

Sapphire says, "what if we return home now and discover these items at home tomorrow morning?"

We all agree.

Sapphire, Koko, Flame, and I yawn.

Daddy puts every one of us except Aurora and Crystal in the stroller.

I get put in the stroller with Flame as when we came.

Daddy lays us in the stroller, with our pacifiers in our mouths.

Flame pulls me against him and wraps his tail around me.

I press my head against Flame's tummy and listen to his heartbeat and breathing, as when we napped together. And I fall into a deep, happy, and peaceful sleep.

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