Chapter 24

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I wake up and hear Sapphire crying quietly and so sorrowful. I climb out of my bed, walk over to Sapphire's bed, put the side down with my psychic powers, climb onto his bed and grab his paci.

I sit next to Sapphire and hold my paws spread, serving hug.

Sapphire crawls onto my lap and cries against me, wetting my fur with his tears and sobs, "w-what if he never wakes up again?"

"Sapphie, he will wake up. He will survive," I say gently. I push Sapphire's paci against his mouth, and he accepts his paci and starts sucking on it.

Sapphire calms down a little bit, takes his paci out of his mouth, and says, "thank you, big sis."

I say, "here you go, Sapphie. Remember that I'm always here for you."

I separate Sapphire gently from me, and I'm starting to climb down when Sapphire grabs my paw with his own and says, "please, don't go."

I crawl back and lift the side back up.

I lay down, pull Sapphire next to me, give his plushies to him, and cover us.

Sapphire sight deep.

I say, "I know you are worried, but try to relax."

Sapphire presses his head against my tammy.

When he stops, I ask, "did you listen to my breathing and heartbeat?"

Sapphire looks surprised and says, "yes, how did you guess I did?"

I say, "because I did it with Flame when I went into his room and napped with him. It's relaxing and comforting, isn't it?"

Sapphire says, "yes, it is," and presses his head back against my tammy again. Soon he fell asleep.

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