Chapter 1

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                             was the only thing I could see. The black abyss in front of me didn't seem to go away. was freezing and jet I didn't, no, I couldn't care. It was like I didn't exist. Then, I heard her voice from afar. "You'll be given the name Kunikuzushi. From now on you shall live under my orders." That voice seemed so familiar but unfamiliar at the same time. Suddenly, the black nothingness around me vanished and I could finally open my eyes. The woman standing bevor me had long open hair, which was glowing purple. As she saw that I was awake, she smiled softly at me. It made me feel warm inside. "Good morning Kunikuzushi, my name is Ei and I am the one who gave you life." She said, reaching out to my cheek and gently pating it. I tried speaking but it was no good. "You have such beautiful long hair, just like me." The woman said while still having a smile on her lips. I wanted to thank her, but my lips weren't moving. "Oh my, i totally forgot. You may speak now." As she seid that, I felt my lips soften. "Th-thank y-you..." I tried my best saying something but still managed to stutter. "You're welcome dear." She just said, turning her back on me and writing down something on a piece of paper. I took that moment to take a quick look around me. It looked like a sand desert in the middle of the abyss. When I tried moving forward, my limbs wouldn't move at all. It felt like I was held on by strings like a puppet. "Alright, back to you. Let's take some tests." The woman suddenly said turning back around facing me. "Move your left leg." After she said that I felt my leg getting lighter and I finally could move it. "Good, now move your right arm." Once again, my arm felt light and I could move it too. This went on until I could move my whole body on my own. "You did very good, I'm proud of you." The women said to me. I was...happy? As time went on, I learned more about me and my body. I could control an element called 'electro'. Ei teached me a lot of things during that time. I even learned some thing about her, like the fact that she loves desserts and that she's the electro archon. But sometimes, things were strange. She wouldn't tell me why she gave me life or what my purpose was.

4 month have past. It was almost new years begin and everyone was ready to celebrate. Except for Ei...She just looked...sad... disappointed. "Ei? Are you okay?" I asked concerned. But when she turned around to me, her dead, dark and cold eyes pierced through me. They looked liked a nightmare. "Kunikuzushi, I have no use for you anymore. Leave at once, or you shall be striked down by lightning." That sentence left her mouth like it was nothing. "I-I don't understand...what do you mean?!" I slightly began to get frustrated. Why now? Why was she just gonna dispose of me like I'm nothing?! Like I'm just an old toy you throw away when you're to old for it?! "I said, Leave. At. Once." Her horrific look on her face...the anger in her expression but also the emptiness in her eyes. It gave me nightmares. "If you wish to witness the power of the Musou no Hitotachi so be it." Suddenly, lighting come out of all corners and filled the room with light. The woman I once knew had disappeared for me. The woman standing in front of me now looked deep into my frightened eyes. "N-NO!! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE!! PLEASE LET ME LIVE!!" I screamed as I tried to escape. "Then. leave." She said, striking me down with a bold of lightning. After that? I can't remember what came after. All I can remember is me waking up on the middle of the street. No food, no house, no mora, nowhere to go. I couldn't use my powers anymore either. It's like she took them away. I hid behind a kimono shop while wondering "what now?". I didn't have a clue what I should do now. I was all alone. Suddenly I remembered again. That image of her flashed Infront of my eyes. Her dead expression on her face. I started to cry. I don't want to be alone. As it was getting darker, I got more sleepier. I layed my head down on a rock. It was uncomfortable but good enough. As I tried to sleep, I felt my eyes water up again. Suddenly I started sobbing. "Why...?" I asked myself. "What did I do...?" I digged my head into my arms and began crying more and more. Finally, I cried myself to sleep. Hoping the next day will be less painful.

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