Chapter 1

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 My alarm sounded waking me for school. I didn't want to go. But on the other hand, staying seemed much worse. I hit the off button and rolled out of bed. I refused to look in mirrors now. Ever since that night 2 years ago. I had my mother remove all mirrors in my room and she covered the one in my bathroom at night.

 I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my ripped black jeans, a blood red t-shirt, and socks. I went into my bathroom and got dressed. I then put in my extensions, straightened my hair, and did my make-up. I then proceeded by putting on my socks and shoes. Then I headed downstairs putting on my black pull over hoodie.

 "Hi Ember, how'd you sleep?" my mom asked as soon as I walked in the room.

 "Eh, kinda restless, ya know?" I said. Mom didn't know I was insomniac and barely slept. Even if she did know, she'd just send me off to some doctor anyways. So I always lied and said I slept well. If she heard me walking around I said I was sleep walking.

 "Well that's good. Here honey, I made you breakfast." She said putting a plate of pancakes and bacon and toast in front of me with a large cup of coffee.

 Inside I felt a shudder. That was new. I loved eating. I mean I wasn't over weight but I liked food. But, today, something inside me turned off that hunger switch. And it seemed to have turned on something else. But, I couldn't tell what that something was just yet. I pushed the plate towards the center of the table. The further away from me it was, the better.

 "Are you alright sweetie?" Mom asked me. 'As if she cares' thought the demon inside of me. I would've argued back with it if it weren't for my mother standing right there.

 "Yeah, I'm just not that hungry today." I lied. She nodded and I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and a clementine instead.

 I ran upstairs to grab my bag and my phone since I had forgotten it upstairs. Once I reached the top of the stairs it felt like I was falling. I grabbed the railing for support but whatever it was, was clearly winning. I felt like I was falling. Falling down from the earth, through all of the layers of dirt. Falling into hell. That. That is when I finally met the demon that haunts me.

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