Chapter 6

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I got dressed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and slipped on my socks. Then I went to the group room. In the group room there were a bunch of chairs. One side of the room was green chairs, the other side was blue chairs. I wondered what I was suppossed to do. I just kinda stood around waiting for other people to come in. When one boy walked in and sat down I still waited around to see what the girls did. Was I suppossed to sit on the same side, or opposite? I had no friggin' clue what to do. Then a small girl came in and sat on the opposite side and so there I went. I sat a couple seats down from her, I didn't know her issues and didn't want to upset her. But maybe I had upset her by NOT sitting next to her. Who the hell knows? 

Maybe I made a face because the boy turned to me and asked, "Conflicted much?" I noted the sarcasm in the voice. I chose to answer anyways though.

"Just a little bit." I responded. He got up and sat down next to me and put out his hand, "I'm Trevor, by the way."

I grabbed his hand and shook it, "Nice to meet you I'm Ember." He released my hand.

"Nice name, like Amber, but, different." He said. He paused before he said different to give it somewhat of an effect.

"So what are the rules here? Please explain. My roommate wasn't very helpful. Infact she was pretty weird." I asked him. My roommate really was not helpful at all, and truthfully she was pretty weird. She kind of scared me too.  

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