Chapter 3

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"Ember! Ember, baby please wake up!" I heard my mother shouting out to me, I heard her, but I couldn't bring my eyes to open for me to see her. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt her hands on my back shaking me, not violently, but roughly.

"Mom?" I asked. I felt my shoulders shaking.

"Ember! Oh god, I called the hospital, they're on their way." She said. I almost wanted to slap her. But, I knew she was doing it for the best.

I finally found the strength to open my eyes. The look on my mothers face was enough to make anyone cry. But, I had to keep as much composure as possible right now.

My mother put her hand on my back and slowly helped me sit up. "What even happened!?" She asked. The amount of terror in her voice was almost unbelieveable.

"I-I don't know mom. I was at the top of the stairs, then, I don't know..." I said. I felt the tears flowing down my face. I took my hands and covered my face, but my hands were instantly taken away from my face by my mom.

She hugged me tightly and pulled me close to her. "It's alright Ember, everything will be okay. I promise you." she whispered into my ear.

I bit down on the inside of my lip to keep from crying. 'She's lying to you. Nothing will be okay if I'm here, and you can't get rid of me.' the demon inside me said. Then I heard the sirens of the ambulance.

"Oh good, they're finally here. Will you be alright while I go talk to them?" She asked me. I wanted to say no, that I would speak with them in the ambulance, but we both knew that would be a lie.

I nodded my head and watched her get up and open the front door, she stepped outside and closed the door behind her. I was just starting to stand up when the paramedics came in yelling at me to lie down.

"What hurts right now?" Asked one of the paramedics.

"Uh, I don't know. Everything? I kind of fell from the top of the staircase." I said. I didn't know how to answer that.

"Tim that was rude. I'm Devon and that's Tim. He has no manners. And, you are?" Asked Devon. He at least had enough manners to ask me who I was. Unlike Tim.

"Devon, the girl fell from the staircase. It's important to know what hurts on her right now." Tim said this. His face was calm, but his tone was harsh.

"My name's Ember." I interrupted them before Devon could respond to Tim.

"Nice name. Tim, go get the stretcher from the ambulance." Devon ordered Tim. My guess was that Devon had been a parimedic much longer than Tim. Otherwise he wouldn't order him around like that. Tim nodded and headed out.

"Look Ember, we're just going to take you back to the hospital, and ask you questions. Just be honest. No matter how bad some of your answers may be, we need the truth. Nothing but the truth, okay?" Devon asked me. I didn't want to be honest, or, the demon didn't want to be honest. But, me, myself, I wanted to be honest.

"Is my mother going to be with us when I'm answering these questions?" I asked him. My face at this time was undescribable. Shocked would be the best way to describe it I guess.

"Do you want her to be there while you answer them?" He asked me. I violently shook my head as soon as he asked. "Okay then she won't be there." I sighed.

If she were to be there she'd be so mad at me that I never told her anything. I'd be in so much trouble. It would just make things worse.

"We're going to get you onto the stretcher now, okay? We don't want to get you to stand up yet in fear of you fainting again." Devon said. I nodded and let them pick me up and get me onto the stretcher. The put me into the ambulance and my mom got into her car. They informed me that she was going to meet us at the hospital, but won't be in the room when they ask me questions. 

Never Knew You Existed.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant