Chapter 2

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My back hit the cold hard earth that was underneath me. It felt like I had fallen all the way through all the layers of earth and hell. I looked around, and realized I must not have gone as far as I thought because it wasn't fiery or anything of that nature. It was dark and quiet. Too dark, and definitely too quiet. Then there was a flash of light that lit up the room. But, it wasn't a regular light, it was fire.

 "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to join me." said a voice. I couldn't see the thing, but I knew it was a girl. "Ember, isn't it?" she said. She stepped into the light and what I saw was astonishing. She was about 5'5, red eyes, long flowing black hair, and she was probably about 109 lbs.

 I blinked and rubbed my eyes trying to think that this was all just a dream. But, I knew it wasn't. I opened my eyes again, and she was still there. "Who are you?" I asked. I've hidden my fear before, so talking to this demon girl wasn't too hard. It was only hard due to the fact that it was all too real.

 "Hmm, getting straight to the questions hoping for answers? Silly little girl. That's not how this little game of ours works. You should know that. You do what I want you to do, and maybe, maybe not, you will get SOME answers." She said putting a devilish smirk on her face. Her smile was a little open showing off some teeth.

 "What do you mean this little game of ours?" I asked. I knew what she was going to say, I just was making sure.

 "The game where, I make you do things, you refuse, I hurt you, and then you fulfill my commands. THAT game." The demon stared at me. Her red eyes glowing in the firelight.

 "Oh? That game. You expect me to fall into every single little trap you lay out there in front of me?" I asked. I was trying my best to seem scary, but compared to the demon, I was nothing.

 "It's worked for the past two years, has it not?" She said. She was trying to play mind games with me, I knew it.

"What has worked in the past, may or may not work in the future or present day." I said. I was trying to sound smarter than what I truly am.

"Maybe, maybe not my dear. But this is all for now. I'll be visiting you fairly soon though." She said, and just like that, just as quickly as she came, she was gone.

Never Knew You Existed.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin