Behind the Bleachers

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As the day dragged on Boscha kept daydreaming about what had happened in the greenhouse and remembering that smile which gave a burning in her chest. She was kept to daydreaming until she heard a loud boom which came from her pot leaving a smoke trail coming out of her pot the potions teacher turned to her with a bitter look in there eyes "Ms. Boscha may I ask why there is smoke coming from your pot ?" she turned a slight red out of embarrassment "Uh I'm sorry mam I put in the wrong ingredients" her teacher gave a disappointed look "And why might that be" Boscha lied to her and said " I just thought we were doing a different potion and I put it in automatically" her teacher rubbed her eyes as the bell rung ending the period giving Boscha her chance to escape from any consequence.

Willow had spent the last remaining time in her botany class preparing to take care of a small willow tree the class was planning to take care of before they heard a faint boom causing the other students to look around beside Willow who was to focused in on her work to notice or to even care. While she worked she thought about what had transpired over the day and that morning of how she found Boscha there half expecting it to be all some cruel joke but no Boscha seemed to want that change and willow was willing to give Boscha the strength she needed to change and as she left the green house she headed to where she knew Boscha would be the grugby field.

Boscha found her way to the grugby field like she always did after school but this felt different her head was filled of ideas which made her flustered of all the same girl causing it and she couldn't show it "I can't tell Willow about this she would hate me" as she said that to herself she heard the calm voice of Willow responding "can't tell me what ?" Boscha turned red in the ears as she asked that "u-uh nothing its just about grugby what are you doing here ?" Boscha asked Turing around to look at Willow, Willow shrugged and sat next to Boscha looking at her "well I knew you probably were going to go out here and I guessed why not go and see what you were planning on doing next game" Boscha let out a sigh "well I'm not sure what are plan is next game but I can say is that you should probably leave so my other teammates don't see you" and as they talked they heard voices coming sending Boscha into a panic "quick get underneath the bleachers" she said grabbing willow and pulling her under the bleachers just in time for here team to not spot them "what the hell was that" Willow responded "I'm sorry look I just can't let my team see us together cause I haven't told them and I'm scared they might tell my family" Boscha said in a manner like she was apologizing, Willow took a deep breath and said "why do you worry about your family figuring out about our new friendship ?" Boscha looked at her with a sad look in her eyes "because they still believe your weak and that we shouldn't associate ourselves with people like you and I they would get angry if someone told" Willow nodded and hugged Boscha and said "hey its ok your family might not understand but I have become a powerful witch but hey please just try and stay kind" Boscha nodded and Willow left sneaking her way from out of the bleachers leaving Boscha behind to go and practice with her team leaving Boscha feeling horrible for hiding her feelings to Willow.

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