Chapter 10- A Hopeless Prayer

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The world is starting to fade. I try to climb onto the pieces of wood and metal from the shipwreck. Using it as a makeshift raft... but then I feel blinding pain and start to sink under. Deeper and deeper...

I got hit by one of those monstrous balls of fire. I'm drowning...

My dying thoughts are prayers to God: please save me, but if you can't, please just let my family know that I love them...


Robert didn't have time to write anything else, so I'll narrate the rest.

That Dutch Merchant ship wasn't their friend- or even a Dutch Merchant ship at all. It was a German Auxilary cruiser called the Kormoran. As they approached, a battle ensued, resulting in the Sydney being sunk, with the loss of all 645 men on board. The ships whereabouts was to remain a mystery until 2008: in the next century. The Kormoran was also sunk, however, there were 318 of 399 German sailors rescued.

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