Chapter 1: Beacon Hills High

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The memories I couldn't make haunt me

"Just keep walking Anita"

Anita didn't even turn her head to the right, not wanting to draw more attention to herself as Simon was walking beside her. Whispers and stares were thrown her way, everywhere she looked there was a pair of eyes looking at her.

She's the one that sees ghosts

Is that Ghost Whisperer?

Can't believe they let that nut job out

She's crazy

Were just a few of the things that were being thrown around the school halls.  Simon who seemed to have enough went over to a pair of girls and went right through them, their papers flying everywhere, making them gasp before scrambling to pick them up.  Simon instantly went back over to Anita as she turned the corner to go to the office where she picked up her schedule.

The school day was long.  Mostly because she had no idea what was going on.  She hasn't been in school since she was a kid.  Well, Eichen had classes, but it really wasn't school.  She also had these two boys in a few of her classes who seemed to talk a lot.  Especially in her science class where the teacher was not a fan of them, but he also did scare her.

Luckily for her, Simon kept her company.  She wanted to make friends.  Well, at least one friend.  Well, one friend that was still alive.  But whenever she went to speak to someone they would either leave or tell her not to talk to them.

Now, her second day was interesting...

When Allison knocked Scott off the rock wall, the class went into laughter.  Even Anita cracked a smile.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy.  Right?"  Coach spoke to him. 

"All right, next two.  Stilinski, Erica, let's go.  The wall."

Stiles seemed to do it pretty quickly and when he came down he seemed to pump himself up while Anita's eyes traveled to Erica who was still on the wall.  She was hyperventilating.  Coach quickly came over to the mat.

"Erica.  Dizzy?  Is it vertigo?"  Coach asked and Anita knitted her eyebrows together at his question.

"Cerritos a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear.  She's just freaking out".  Lydia told corrected him.


"I'm fine". 

"Coach.  Maybe it's not safe, you know she's epileptic".  Allison told him.

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" 

Before Anita could keep quiet, her comment slipped from her mouth.  "Shouldn't you know since you're the teacher?" 

The group of friends that contained the two boys from her science class looked over to her while Coach gave her a look.  "Not now New Girl".

Anita instantly became quiet right after, not before mumbling an apology.

"Erica, you're fine.  Just kick off from the wall.  There's a mat to catch you.  Come on".  Coach reassured her and she slowly came down.  "See, you're fine.  You're on the ground.  You're alright.  Shake it off". 

Ghost Whisperer (Teen Wolf)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum