Chapter 22: Linger

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"Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn't there"

"Anita, get back here!"  Peter shouted, grabbing onto the railing, looking down.  Anita rounded the corner of the stairs, rushing to Stiles jeep.

"Simon told me they're in the woods!"  Anita yelled up to him.  "Stiles, let's go!"  She then shouted to Stiles.

"Who the hell is Simon?"  Peter asked, clearly frustrated.

"One of her ghost friends".  Stiles nodded, about to make his way down the stairs but Peter stopped him. "You're not going".


Stiles mouth opened like a fish out of water, not knowing what to do. Peter scared him but on the other hand-

Simon shoved Stiles, making the boy tumble down a few of the steps before he caught himself on the railing. "That was a ghost!" Stiles screamed, his voice cracking in fear.

"You're goddamn right". Simon tilted his head to the side a bit, watching Stiles scatter to the Jeep.

"Drive fast". Anita ordered.

"I'm going". Stiles glanced to her and then his phone started to ring. Stiles quickly picked it up, not looking at the number.

"Scott!" His face then morphed in confusion and worry when it was Lydia. "I'm-I'm on my way". Stiles then hung up.

"It's Lydia". Stiles said, looking to Anita for a moment. "She's at the pool. There's a dead body".

"Merda". Anita whispered.

Stiles raised an eyebrow at that comment.

"Drive faster".  Anita ordered.

"You know you and Derek boss me around a lot and I don't like it".  Stiles pointed a finger in her direction.

Anita only narrowed her eyes at him before a smile flickered on her lips. "Simon?"

"What are you asking for?" Stiles snapped his head over to her, his foot leaving the gas pedal.

"Gladly". Simon already knew what she was asking for.

The Jeep suddenly jerked forward, the mph rising. "Simon stop!" Stiles screeched.


"Lydia?  Lydia?  Lydia, are you okay?"  Stiles was quick to get out of the Jeep, running towards her with Anita following after him.

"I'm okay".  Lydia reassured him as she stood by the pool.  "That.  Over there...not okay".  Lydia told them, not looking at the body.

Anita looked from Lydia to the body.  "Yeah, all right.  I'm gonna call my dad.".  Stiles looked from Lydia to the dead body.

"I already called 911"

"You called the police before you called me?"

"I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?" 


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