Chapter 4: Just Lab Things

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"Live or die, but don't poison everything"

"Alright, listen up". Coach said from the front of the room. "A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult...". He chuckled. "I'm not even too sure I could pass it".

Anita furrowed her eyebrows and looked to Charlie was sat next to her. Charlie only turned his hand slightly on the table with a look that said, 'I don't know'.

"Okay. I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Whose got it, huh?" Coach asked and mostly everyone raised their hands including Charlie which made Anita shrink back in her seat for not knowing.

"Come on, let's go, buddy".

"Come on Anita. You've only been here for a few days". Charlie tried to make her feel better.

"Still". Was all she could respond with in a low voice.

"I'm sure Coach will wave the midterm off for you". Charlie said in a hush voice.

"I hope so". Anita gave him a small smile.

Anita looked to see Coach walking up the aisle on the other side of the classroom where Stiles, Scott, and Jackson were.

"Jackson!" Coach shouted which made Anita jump in her seat.

"Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" Coach asked.

"Um..." Jackson looked around the room for a moment before answering. "Just an undying admiration for my-my Coach".

"That's really kind of you. NOW SHUT UP! Shut it! Anybody else?" He asked the last question to the class.

Anita was looking to the front of the class as Lydia was answering the question but her face twisted in confusion. Not from the answer but to what she was writing.

"Lydia". Coach said in a sing-song voice as the girl gasped and seemed like she was crying as she looked around.

"Okay then, anybody else want to try answering?" Coach asked. "This time in English?"

After that comment majority of the class bursted into laughter.


"Derek is not going to kill her. Not without proof". Scott said as him and Stiles entered Harrison's class.

"Alright, so he tears her like he did with Jackson, right? But when and where?" Stiles questioned.

Scott sighed but his eyes went to Isaac and Erica who entered from the back of the class. "I think here and now".

"You know it's kinda rude to stand in front of the door". Anita said from behind the two boys.

"Sorry". Scott moved as his eyes didn't leave the two betas.

Anita went and sat in her spot that was a few desks from Lydia and pulled out a few of her things.

Stiles and Scott continued to look at Isaac and Erica. Their eyes went from them to Lydia. But after the second time Scott looked over to Anita and back to Isaac and Erica.

"Stiles". Scott spoke.


"They're not only testing Lydia...they're testing Anita too". Scott told him in shock.

"Shit". Stiles grumbled. More work

When Isaac moved, Scott and Stiles quickly scrambled. Scott sat next to Lydia while Stiles scrambled in the seat next to Anita.

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