Chapter 24: Tomorrow

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"The day you left this earth, was the day mine did too.

My heart no longer beats the same.
My eyes no longer see the same.
My mind no longer things the same.

While I am physically here,
My soul is with yours.

Bound together in the stars"

"You're going to give yourself a headache". Simon said from beside Anita

Anita was sitting in the row behind Isaac and Boyd in the bus. Her head was leaned against the window and every time the bus hit an uneven piece of concrete, her head ticked against it. She wore dark sunglasses to hide the look of her blood shot eyes and teared up cheeks from the other students and Coach.

"I already have one". Anita's voice croaked.

Simon sighed, looking from Anita and than to Clarice who was sitting on the other side of the bus, same aisle as them . Clarice and Simon shared a worried look.

"Hey, kid". Clarice tried to smile and get her sister to look at her but it was no use. "Why don't you eat a granola bar. I packed it in your bag. I'm starting to get the hang of touching and moving objects". Clarice took a pause. "You know, like Sam in Ghost. Simon has been helping me".

"Simon has a hard time moving objects". Anita muttered.

"Ok." Simon held his finger up. "I'll let that one pass since I know you're hurting".

"You're not helping". Clarice leaned out of her seat, closer to Simon.

"I appreciate what you two are trying to do, but I want to be alone".  Anita whispered.

"Anita".  Clarice sighed.  She didn't want to leave her sister when she knew she was in so much pain.  She wasn't there for her sister majority of her childhood.  Luckily, Simon was there to comfort her after she died.

"Please, just away".  Anita pleaded.  She never wanted to use the 'go away' like Simon taught her on him and her sister.

"You got it, birdie.  Just call if you need to talk".  Simon gave her one last look before looking to Clarice and than the two vanished. 

Coach blew his whistle and pointed to two students.  "Two of you, back in your seats". 

Anita groaned, moving from her spot on the window, curling herself up on the seat.

"Jared, again, car sick?  Every ti-how do you even get on the bus?  Look at me.  No, don't look at me.  Look at the horizon.  Keep your eyes-keep your eyes on the horizon.".  Coach than looked to the very back of the bus.

"McCall.  Not you too".

"No, Coach.  I'm good".

Coach than looked around the bus before walking further to the back.  "Where-Where's Lockett?"

Isaac put his finger up to tell Coach where and not to bother her but Coach was faster than him.  "Are you kidding me?"  Coach groaned.

"Lockett, are you dying?"  Coach asked, looking at her curled up form.

"Mentally or physically?"  Anita asked, not looking at him.

"I'm not the guidance counselor".  Coach than pointed to her.  "If we crash, I'm not responsible for your death".  And with that he went back to the front.

Meanwhile Scott and Stiles were talking in the very back in a whisper.

"He's listening". Scott looked to Ethan.

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