Chapter Thirty-Four- nostalgia,ULTRA

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Chapter Thirty-Four- nostalgia,ULTRA

Khalil’s POV

He was nervous, although he would never admit it to anyone. In the back of his mind Painkiller lurked, waiting, creating a palpable jittery feeling in Khalil’s head. There was a thick, weighted silence, and Khalil focused on steadying his breathing as he waited for Jen to say something. This was what all their interactions had been leading up to- the truth about his past- their past, together. Because no matter what TC had said, Khalil was convinced that in his other life, Jen and him had known each other quite well. It was the way she looked at him, all wide eyes and full, parted lips, that hit him in a way that blew right past his surface attraction to her. There was a pull between them that hinted at a deeper connection and it was a feeling he couldn’t shake. He looked into her eyes and saw a familiarity that surpassed a casual acquaintance, and he needed to know what their link was.

“Where should I even start?” Jen mused, tapping her slim fingers against her juice glass.

Leaning back until his back was resting against the counter, Khalil said, “How bout ‘once upon a time’?” with a hint of a grin turning up his lips as he watched her.

“It’s not really that kinda story, Khalil,” Jen replied, the wistful expression that floated onto her face tugging at something deep in Khalil’s chest.

Khalil said, “I thought so. Your face kind of speaks volumes.” He paused, suddenly hesitant. Jen looked like she was reliving some painful memories, and he didn’t want her to be sad even though he had to know…“Do you mind telling me?”

Letting out a deep sigh, Jen’s eyes flicked up to Khalil’s and she started talking. “We met at Garfield, you and I. Both of us ran track so we tried out for the team at the same time.”

“I’m sorry, J.” Khalil shook his head slowly as he tried to take in Jen’s words. “I know I was on the track team, I definitely remember that, but I don’t remember you at all.”

Jen’s face fell for a moment, disappointment shining in her eyes before she visibly steeled herself and curtly said, “TC did a great job, then. I should send him a fruit basket.”

Khalil laughed. He couldn’t help it when he was around her. Also, his laugh had the intended effect of making Jen smile, wrinkling her nose in a way that he found completely adorable. He caught himself staring at her pretty face and dropped his eyes to his juice glass. “Go on.”

“You were kinda quiet, and I was- a bit extra-,” she started, her smile growing as she reminisced.

Laughing again, Khalil interrupted to scoff, “You, extra? Pfft.”

Jen giggled and tossed her head, striking a pose. “My nickname was the Queen of Garfield.”

“Oh, wow. With the hair flip and everything!”

His stomach was fluttering pleasantly as he watched Jen smile, looking content for the first time since they had met.

Wriggling her shoulders, Jen agreed, “Yeah, I know, extra af.”

“Suits you, actually.” Khalil got to his feet and gave Jen an exaggerated bow which made her giggle again. “My Queen.”

The words slipped out unbidden and he felt his face grow hot as he glanced at her to see her reaction to his words. A smile danced around her lips, and he relaxed as he sat back down. Being around her made him feel lighthearted  and a bit goofy, which was rare for him.

“Anyway, so for the first couple of weeks we didn’t really talk until I smoked you on the track,” Jen continued, a note of pride in her voice, and Khalil raised an eyebrow quizzically.

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