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"When someone helps you and they're struggling too, that's not help. That's love."

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"Damn Alex wtf?"

I said sorta pissed off. I don't even work for him. And neither did Alexis until we moved here. She always tried to keep me out of the game.

"What did I do huh?"

"How did she even find out?"

"Idk, honestly."

She said as her face turned red. She really meant it. How am I going to fix this. Did this incident just ruin my chances with Taylor. I like her so much.



"I like her..I really do."

She looked at me with her brows arched down. Was she upset? She never started showing her interest before.


Was all she said, and she just sipped on her sprite. Of course she had some type of attitude.

"You have a problem with me talking to her don't you?"

"NO I DON'T Andrea."

She spat at me like I was some dog. I don't know what's wrong with her ass. But she need to pipe down before she get punched.

"Then lose that fucking attitude. You did this."

I said pointing to her. I was now very upset. I pulled out of the park, and headed home. I didn't see Taylor walking on our street so she couldn't have gotten back already.

I park in the driveway,and left the key in the engine with Alexis. I was completely pissed. I ran into my room and slammed the door.

"I'm sorry okay."

Alexis yelled from downstairs. I ignored her, and slid down my wall. Allowing the tears to fall from my eyes. I was really feeling Taylor. Without my conscious decision my eyes closed. Then I dozed off.



Damn, I really fucked up. I have to make this up to Andrea. She is really mad at me. I took the keys out of the engine. Then I followed behind into the house. I locked the door and yelled up to her.

"I'm sorry okay."

I wish she could forgive me. But instead she ignored me. I have to fix this shit already. I ran up the stairs and to her bedroom door. I knocked with no response. The I jerked the door handle and it was locked.

I just went to my room. Leaving her alone doing whatever. I took out my phone and text Taylor.

Me🔸: hey, I'm sorry about what happened. Once I came into your house and saw him in the bathroom. I knew that he was the one who hurt you. I'm so sorry 😞. He had ties to my boss back in New York.

Tay🧚🏾: stop calling this number

Me🔸: please..Dre is- she's depressed now. She locked herself in the room and won't come out at all.

Tay🧚🏾: Damn I-I'll call her and see what's up.

Me🔸: I promise it's over with.

Tay🧚🏾: I know, and it is over for our friendship.




I exited messages and went to call log. I hovered my finger over Andreas number. I don't want her to be worried sick about me.

I coughed as I continued walking to my house. I know I shouldn't go there but I don't know what to do. Can I even trust Alexis? Andrea?

I tapped on her number and said fuck it. I'm ganna call anyway.


Dre🔸: hey..ffhfh

She sniffed as she said that. I just knew she was crying before. I feel so bad.

Me🧚🏾: Please don't cry, I'm alright.

Dre🔸: Were are you then? You coming through?

Me🧚🏾: no I'm going back to my place

Dre🔸: fffhfh

She kept crying. Damn I can't take this shit. I was just about to hang up when she spoke into the phone.


"Taylor listen to me. I can't keep containing these feelings I've had for you. Ever since that day I saw you in the Footlocker. I wanted to make you mines, but I ain't no fool so I had to get to know you.

I then fell in love with you, and the things you do. I might love 𝓨𝓸𝓾."


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Next time on..𝓨𝓸𝓾

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