Amor's new video

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I wasn't able to make it to the premiere on time since the video realised near midnight where I am so I apologise if you've already seen it.

But anyways- The point of this chapter is basically me sharing my thoughts on the video and kinda ranting about how awesome it is so feel free to look at a different chapter or look at another story here on Wattpad.




This animatic is truly awesome! I really like the way they decided to introduce the characters by making them read off of a script (except for Boder since he's mute) in character instead of Amor just introducing the rest of the VA's himself. My personal favourite parts of the video are when Bobot says "Oh no, my cereal." in the most dead voice possible and basically any time Bobal was on screen lmao-

Now I'll be honest here, Bowaev and Bofo's voices were a little different to what I was expecting but hey! It suits them so who cares?

As for the personalities, a lot of people were quite accurate regarding them which is pretty cool. Also now that I know that Bobot likes cereal expect some sort of meme with it soon >:)

Well that's pretty much it from me so well done to the whole BnB mod team and see ya next time!

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