The cotton candy-haired goddess and her human girlfriend

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"So you want me to try this so-called 'cotton candy' because it's your favorite?"

Amity says looking at the purple cotton candy in her hand. Luz chuckles a bit.

"Yes! There's definitely no other reasons haha.."

Luz says, Amity looks at her weirdly before taking a bite of the sweet snack.

"Mmh! This is delicious."

Amity says her eyes sparkling.

"I know right! And you know what it reminds me of?"

Amity hums in response.

"Your hair!"

Luz says taking a bite out of her pink cotton candy. Amity chokes on her food.

"It does look like my hair!"

Amity says chuckling a little bit.

"I love you my cotton candy-haired goddess."

Luz says, wrapping her arm around her girlfriend's shoulder

"I love you too my beautiful human girlfriend."

Amity says, looking at her girlfriend and smiling.


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