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"I got backstage meet and greet tickets if you guys want to go meet Xie Lian or the Ghost?" Pei Ming suddenly said, snapping Hua Cheng back to reality.

"Oh yea sure," Hua Cheng said forcing down his excitement.

"Ho?~ Since when were you so hyped up about seeing the dancers Mister "im not gay"?" He Xuan asked.

Shit. Was I caught?

"H-huh? No I just..." Hua Cheng stuttered trying to find an excuse. "I'm bored is all. And I am not gay."

"The 'normal' Hua Cheng would say this is even more boring and would drive home to sleep, seems a bit suspicious.." Qi Rong commented.

He Xuan finally stepped in the conversation with a cooled head, "can we just go? I want to go.."

"Go where? To Shi QingXuan? Hahaha" Pei Ming teased jokingly.

He Xuan's ego once again, fell apart. He stomped away with a redder face then before and went towards the bathrooms.


"That guy can never take a joke when it comes to him huh?" Qi Rong said. "What a weirdo."

"Okay lets actually leave, this area will soon close and the line to Xie Li- I mean, the actors, will be too long," Hua Cheng reminded.

Xie Lian's POV:

"Hm," Xie Lian stood in thought in his dressing room with his hand on his chin and a thinking expression on his face.

"What are you thinking so hard about, Dianxia?" Feng Xin finally pointed out.

"Nothing really, I just saw a man." Xie Lian responded, "he seemed, in awe of my performance."

"Xie? Your gay is showing. Did you fall inlove with someone again? I swear, you fall in love wayy too easily," Shi QingXuan mentioned.

"I, I didn't fall inlove! He just seemed so mesmerized. I felt special. We even made eye contact!" Xie Lian stuttered trying to find words to explain his experience.

"Isn't EVERYONE mesmerized by your performance? This is the biggest one you've had yet," Mu Qing added.

"Dianxia, that sounds kinda like your inlove to me." Feng Xin also added.

"Okay okay, I'm not inlove first of all. Second of all, yes it was one of my biggest but clearly Mu Qing did a better job."

"Oh please, you need to realize that you are incredibly amazing, I'm actually starting to grow an ego," Mu Qing responded politely.

"You always have an ego, a big one must I mention," Feng Xin muttered.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you," Mu Qing asked sarcastically.


"Hushh!! The other staff members can hear you!!!" Shi QingXuan shushed.

"YOU WANNA GO? WE CAN TAKE THIS OUTSIDE." Mu Qing yelled, now louder than Feng Xin, and completely ignoring Shi QingXuan.

"Go outside for all I care, you two are way too loud!" Shi QingXuan said not caring anymore.

"Stop you two! Do you want to get another scolding from Jun Wu??" Xie Lian tried yelling.


Feng Xin and Mu Qing stopped arguing and became quiet. Shi QingXuan stood frozen.

Everyone knew, everyone knew what Jun Wu had done to Xie Lian. So why does Xie continue to support and work under him?

"Xie..." Shi QingXuan finally spat out.

"Guys we've already talked about this. I enjoy doing ballet, where would I go if I had stopped working under Jun Wu? It's not like theres any other ballet companies around here except.." He paused for a moment, finally mumbling his enemy's (company) name, "Yong'an."

"But still! You don't deserve this torture Xie," Shi QingXuan defended.

"I'm fine, I swear on my mothers grave. Now lets hurry, Mu Qing and I still have to get to a meet-and-greet," Xie Lian reassured.

"That's kind of an unpleasant swear.." Shi Qing Xuan stated.

"Whatever, hurry Mu Qing and stop your arguing and lets fix our makeup," Xie Lian said hurriedly.

I've long stopped arguing with Feng, Dianxia, Mu Qing defended in his mind.

Hua Cheng's POV:



He secretly pulled out a pocket mirror from Pei Ming's fanny pack.

Shit, my hair is messed up but this mirror is too small! Shit shit, I can't ask them to fix it because they will for SURE call me gay. I am not gay! Wait, then, why am I panicking? Calm down geez.

A sudden scene appeared in Hua Cheng's mind.

"Oh my, your hair is messy!" Xie Lian mentioned as he was signing Hua Cheng's phone, bag, wallet, ID, and forehead.

"Huh, so it is. What will you do to help me?" Hua Cheng asked.

Xie Lian goes on his tippy toes as everyone looks over to see Xie Lian caressing Hua Cheng's hair.

sighhhh, when will that be me??

Finally snapping back to reality, he realized.

Wait what the fuck, am I actually gay for this guy??? I NEVER EVEN MET HIM!.. God I'm gay aren't I? Holy shit I can't wait to see his real face, from the mask I can already picture his face..

The four men had went to the stairs behind the stage to go to the meet and greet area. There was a staff member guiding the group of fans into another big room with the other staff members in it. Mu Qing and Xie Lian had yet arrived.

What if he isn't gonna come? HOLY SHIT IM WORRYING ABOUT IT. I'm so gay what the fuck.
A/N: heyyy, so longer chapter todayy. I wanted to make it longer hut got distracted near the end and lost motivation to write so im sorry for the sloppy writing, i might update the end of this chapter one day because I don't really like how it ended off. Anyways, i was gonna say something but I forgot it........... anyways uh have a good day or night or afternoon or whatever time it is for you. :)

996 words

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