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In the midst of the crowd was the flaming red hair that she'd been looking for.

"Ron!" Hermione ran to her best friend - if that's what he still was to her. She'd wondered if their kiss in the chamber of secrets had meant anything or changed anything between them, but now was not the time to dwell on that. 

The war was over, there were celebrations to be had. 

"Hermione!" he grabbed her hand and for a moment, she'd thought he was about to kiss her. Again. Her heart sped up at the thought...only the kiss never came, and surprisingly, she wasn't all that disappointed. If anything, she felt relieved. 

"We should find Harry," Hermione said awkwardly, trying to ease the tension between them. Though in all honesty, she had been more worried about the thought of Harry, than whatever was going on between her and Ron. 

Harry had always been heavy on Hermione's mind. She always worried for him as he was her best friend. She was terrified at the idea of him being hurt and now that the war was over, a sense of relief had washed over her knowing that Harry would be in a lot less danger. 

"He'll be in the courtyard still, no doubt," said Ron, breaking Hermione free of her thoughts of Harry. "Come on." 

So, still holding hands, Ron led Hermione to the castle's front doors, and instantly her eyes fell on Harry. 

She immediately dropped Ron's hand.

"Harry!" she called. Her heart broke seeing him look so broken before her, and before she knew what she was doing, she was running...and then she was in Harry's arms. 

"Blimey, Hermione." he said, nearly being knocked flat off his feet. "I'm fresh out a battle with the Dark Lord, you know. You could be a little gentler." 

Hermione laughed and pulled away. "I've been hugging you for years now, Harry, and you've been fine," she said, still smiling at him. She couldn't seem to stop, though it was always like this when she was with him, but now - now that it was over and he was alive against all odds - well, she can't remember ever feeling this happy.

"Let's not take any chances though." he teased, and then for a moment, he looked at her. And the next thing Hermione knew, he had wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into another hug, spinning them both around.

It took Hermione by surprise at first because she couldn't remember a time where Harry hugged her. She was always the one hugging him, and so for him to take the initiative this time...well, it was nice. 

"Harry!" she'd been back on her feet, "You're going to make me dizzy!" 

"Well, I--" Harry began, but he stopped rather suddenly when he saw Ron. He was still standing in the threshold of the front doors and he looked almost sad. 

"You alright, mate?" Harry asked him, and Hermione turned around suddenly, having completely forgotten about Ron. 

Ron nodded and forced a smile. "It's been a long time coming is all," he said, not talking about Voldemort's defeat, only neither Harry nor Hermione had picked up on his hidden meaning. 

Harry smiled. "Get over here, Weasley!" he said, and Ron wasted no time to make his way towards the pair of them. 

"It's finally over," Hermione said, now hugging the both of them, one arm over each shoulder.

"And so on to the next adventure." finished Harry. 

And there the golden trio stood, in the middle of Hogwart's courtyard, and though everything was in ruins, none of them could have felt any better. 

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