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Hermione's nerves were through the roof. 

Of course, Harry had been her best friend and so she should feel as if she could tell him anything, but for some reason, she was beyond anxious to say anything to him. The fear that he might brush her off...well it was too much for Hermione to even think about.

"What's the matter?" Harry's voice had startled her. She was sitting on the floor in the library where books lay in disarray after the battle that had taken place. 

It hurt her to see her favorite place - the one that had brought her so much comfort over the last seven years - in such a state. It was like a blow to the heart, and it hurt

"Everything." she answered honestly as he was the one person Hermione felt she never had to hide from. 

Harry nodded and then took a seat beside her on the floor. "Anything I can help with?" he asked.

Merlin, thought Hermione, this was the perfect chance to tell him if there ever was one. "Well...yes, actually," she said, turning her head so that she was looking at him. "But...I don't want you to feel as if you must help because--" 

"Hermione," Harry said, and she'd realized that she was starting to ramble. 

"Right. Sorry," she said, squeezing her eyes shut and then opening them again. "I was...well, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like help clean everything up." 

Harry looked surprised. "Hogwarts, you mean?" 

Hermione nodded. "Professor McGonagall asked if I would help - she'd thought that'd be something I like, you see - but the truth is...I don't know if I'd want to do it without you." 

Harry blinked, surprised to hear all of what she had just said. "Hermione..." he started. "I'd-I'd love to but...but I've been offered a position at the Ministry as an Auror."

Now it was Hermione's turn to be surprised.

"Oh, oh my god that's incredible Harry!" she said, sounding genuinely happy for him and only a little hurt...she couldn't help it, after all. She wanted him here with her, as selfish as that may be.

"I don't have to take it." he said, "The position...I can stay here with you and--" 

Hermione shook her head. "No, don't be silly, Harry!" she said, cutting him off. "This is an incredible opportunity. You have to take it, you just have to!" 

Still, Harry didn't seem too convinced. "Are you sure?" he asked "Because I'll stay, Hermione." 

Please stay! Hermione wanted to scream, though she knew how incredibly selfish it would be, and so she bit her tongue and didn't say it - as difficult as it was. 

"You should go, Harry." she forced herself to say instead. "We were always bound to part ways eventually."

The words hit him like a blow to the chest.

Harry slowly shook his head. "No, I don't think we were," he said, pausing for only a moment. "I'll be back, Hermione, you know I will." 

She nodded. "I know, Harry." she said and smiled at him, "And I'll be here waiting when you do eventually come back." 

"You better," he said, and then leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Alright then, I should probably get packing." 

Hermione stilled. "You're leaving?" she asked, trying her best to hide her disappointment. After all, they were best friends, she should be happy for him. "Already?"

Harry stood up and nodded, "The Ministry...well, they seem a bit eager to have me start." he said, and as sad as Hermione was to see him go, she smiled nonetheless. 

"You are a war hero after all," she said, with a sad sort of smile. "So I guess you can't really blame them," 

Harry shrugged, "I was only able to be a hero because you were there to help me." he said, and those words caused Hermione's heart to skip a beat. 

"Don't downplay your accomplishments, Harry." she said, "You really are a great wizard." 

Harry couldn't help but smile, having remember the last time Hermione said almost those exact words to him. "Not as good as you." he said, causing Hermione to smile back, though her eyes stung with unshed tears. 

"Goodbye, Harry." 

Harry, once again, smiled. Only this time there seemed to be some sort of sadness behind it. "Goodbye, Hermione," he said, and then turned to leave the library.

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