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Harry had been scrambling about number 12 grimmuald place when Ginny had floo'd in rather unexpectantly.

"Harry!" she said, and then when she saw how disheveled he looked, she continued, "What in Merlin's name has you in such a state?"

Holding Teddy in one of his arms, Harry packed a trunk full of all of his godson's things, "I'm trying to get this little guy ready for Hermione."

Ginny raised her eyebrows, evidently shocked, "Hermione?" she asked.

"Yeah." Harry nodded, handing Teddy over to Ginny, "Hold him for a moment, will you?"

Ginny took Teddy without thought. "So you and Hermione have split custody, then?" she teased, "You know, Potter, I must say, I truly had faith in you two working out, and–"

"Ginevra." Harry warned. Ever since he'd let it slip to Ginny that he thought maybe he'd started to develop feelings for Hermione during their little horcrux hunt, Ginny had become relentless with the teasing.

"Oh 'Ginevera', is it?" she mocked, still smiling, "I must really be in for it."

Harry rolled his eyes, shutting the trunk and latching it closed with a small click sound. "You know it's not like that with Hermione." he said, "We're friends."

It hurt him to admit so - especially so bluntly - but it was the truth. What else was there to say about it?

"Yeah but the tension between you two is so thick you could quite literally cut it with a knife." Ginny said and then turned her attention to Teddy, who she was holding on her hip, "Don't you think so, little guy? Don't you think your Uncle Harry loves Hermione?"

Teddy laughed and clapped his hands together. "Ya, ya, ya." he said, causing Ginny to erupt in laughter as well.

Harry shook his head and took his godson back into his arms. "He's only a few months old." he told Ginny, "He doesn't know what you're even saying."

Ginny, however, didn't seem too convinced. "Well how did he answer me so well then?" she asked.

"'Ya' is the only thing he can say. He was saying the only thing he knows."

"Ya" said Teddy, as if on cue.

"See," Harry said, eyeing her "Now, I'm going to put him to bed before you can continue to try and turn my godson against me."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Well, alright." she said, "I just came to check up on you. You know, jokes aside." her tone was suddenly more serious, which caused Harry to hesitate.

"I'm fine." he said "I'm actually excited for Auror training, I–"

"Tell her how you feel, Harry." Ginny sighed, cutting him off short. "You're only complicating matters."

Harry looked to the ground and shook his head, knowing exactly who Ginny had meant. "No, she doesn't...I just, I can't." he said, "I've put Hermione through seven years of...of all of this awfulness and now that it's finally over, she deserves to be free of it all. Free of the drama and the danger, you know?"

Ginny shrugged, "I don't think that's your decision to make, Harry." she said, "Which is why you have to tell her. Let her decide for herself."

Again, Harry shook his head. "It's just not the right time, Gin." he said, and then walked up the staircase to put Teddy to sleep.

Hermione knocked twice on McGonangall's door. "Prof- I mean, Minerva." she corrected, remembering that McGonagall had insisted they be on a first-name basis now. "Could I maybe talk to you about something?"

McGonagall looked up from the stack of papers on her desk. "Of course," she said, "What seems to be the matter?"

"Nothing-er-nothing, really, anyway." Hermione said taking a seat in front of Minerva, "It's just that I talked to Harry about helping with our restoration of Hogwarts, you see."

"Ah, and what did Mr. Potter have to say?"

Hermione couldn't help but look disappointed. "Well, he thinks its great," she said, "but he won't be able to help. He's going away for Auror training."

McGonagall nodded. "He'll be the youngest Auror in history."

At this Hermione smiled, "I know, I'm so proud of him...of how far he's come." she said, smiling, and then changing her tone to somewhat serious, "But you see, Lupin and Tonks, they left their son, Teddy, in Harry's care but since he'll be busy with training, he needs someone to look after Teddy for him."

Now McGonagall was smiling as well. "And the person Mr. Potter has entrusted with such a responsibility, is you." she stated simply, not as a question.

"Yes." Hermione said, biting on her bottom lip. "So, I was just wondering if it would be okay...if Teddy were to stay here at Hogwarts with me."

"Well the school is in ruins, dear." she said, "And I simply don't know if it's the best place for a baby."

Hermione frowned, she'd been thinking the same thing, but still, it hurt to hear.

"I just wish I could be of some help," Hermione said truthfully.

"Well, if you are so inclined, my dear," McGonagall began to say, "I think I may now a way to help."

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