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The month of summer has come. A handsome CEO with shiny and neat hair walks through the hallway to find a glass of icy water to quench his thirst. A second door close completely, Gresyon, a big table tag with CEO label below the name seen from the outside. In the work office next to the CEO's room, all employee while sitting on the desk typing on their keyboard immediately turn their head right after a strong manly woody aquatic scent pass through their nose.

"He's out!" whispered a woman glancing at her boss's shadow. "What he wanna do?" tossing her hair and back to work.

"Damn! Hell moves here already." Said Greyson open the fridge. The whole office knows their handsome and cool CEO is a non-heat tolerance and they used to find Greyson passing through the hallway to find a cool soft drink in the kitchen. Ckkssttt.... A can of soda opened then he pour it on an empty glass full of icebox inside. Holding a glass of soda, he walks back to his room. Behind his desk, he looks down behind the window, seeing a lot of cars passing by in the middle of hell hot day. Two air conditioner bits help to cool down the entire room.

"What's wrong? A rush day but feel empty." He said in his heart. Tick...tock...tick...tock... clearly clock sound fills the room. He is thinking of a little girl with a silver bracelet on her wrist, sitting in the corner of the room sobbing quietly.

"I wonder where she is now." Think Greyson in a wrinkled forehead. "She should be grown up."

Tokk...tokk... Greyson startled. The door knocked break his daydream mind. A man three years older with tidy clothes opened the door. "Excuse me, Sir. A director from CJ production asks me to meet you. I've checked your schedule and tomorrow you have a spare time. Is it okay?" Mr. Joe, his secretary asked. "I'm in," he responded.


Another crowd situation happens on the loft apartment full of whitewood and luxury furniture. Twenty-six years old girl with a high bun on her head, throw her body to an expensive brown couch in front of her. A piece of wood written "CLARIE'S ROOM" hangs on a woody door that clarifies it is her room. Clakk... Clokk... Clakk... Clokk... high heels steps walk through the coach closely.

"Clarie, wash your face now!" A woman in a creamy blazer and long black trousers standing beside her. Rose, a black name tag hanging on her neck.

"Thanks dream crusher!" grumbling and leering to her one and only personal assistant. "Still dreaming the same one?" pulled her boss's arm and sit down. "Same and never change!" whispered her and walk away.

Clarie was confused at a little boy in her dream. Every day has the same dream, really blur, and undetected. Rose said the truth: maybe this is a bad memory that was accidentally erased from my head. "But when? I never experienced a car crash or anything." Talking alone.

Rose hides everything about Clarie's past. "Just let her run her life happy as now. Don't remind her of anything. Let her know by herself. I don't want her to feel down and suffer on pushing herself to remind something that hurt her." a slight of Clarie's mother's voice worming on her ear.

"Take care Clarie as your sister." "Take care of her as your sister." "No one besides her. Help me, Rose, please" that weak and low voice resounding on her mind every day.

Before passed away, Clarie's mother always remind her about Clarie's childhood incident. That message told in the middle of the cold patient's room, Clarie's mother lying down weakly and hopeless. A lot of energy out just to say a few words. Rose be one of the witnesses on that dark day. Until today, she still remembers every single word of the message and crosses her heart to commit to it.

"Haaa..." shouts Clarie right in front of Rose's face. "Damn! What's wrong?" still on the shocked face. "Go bed, a lot of schedule waiting for you tomorrow dude."

"Recharging start from now!" Clarie walk half jumping left and right through her cozy bedroom. It is such a tiring day, but the best and happiest time for Clarie is bedtime. Recharging start from now, her habit before going to bed. She never skips to say it. Starting from joking and now become a habit. It's like a notification on her body saying spontaneously even she was alone.

Titt... a sound comes out from her speaker. She put the speaker's remote beside her bed. Noted about Clarie, she ever turn off the lamp, even though it's too bright, she never want to turn the lamp off. It is easier for her to sleep brightly everywhere. She closes her eye and starts a personal journey in her dreamland. Relaxing music with water sounds automatically playing to heal all the hectic days while sleeping. She places her head on her puffy pillow, a thick and soft blanket covers her body up. She landed in the dream world.

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