Chapter Twenty-One

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Jennifer's POV:

Oh my gosh. This baby is coming. I am in excruciating pain right now.... We just checked in about 25 minutes ago. Luckily Lisa and Michael are here with me while my husband goes around trying to get me help.

Lisa: " How far are the contractions...?" She asked me hurriedly.

Jennifer: " Um... Ouch! Shit. Uh, about 1 to 2 minutes apart at this point. I'll be glad when they check me in. I am most definitely going to try to get the damn epidural."

Michael held one hand as she held the other. Finally we got some help and now they are placing me in a suite for labor & delivery. My husband took my hand and the family was escorted out to the waiting area so that we could focus on our newborn being born. The nurses held my hands for a moment while my husband took his time using our portable pan to put warm water in to wet the rag to put on my forehead.

20 Hours Later

We had a beautiful baby boy and we named him Jackie Edward Jackson. He's so handsome like his father and he had a head full of hair. When they laid him in my arms of course I cried and my husband having such a beautiful heart. After capturing a couple of pictures. He asked the nurses to take photos of us while I was being cleaned up and when he took separate photos with our newborn son. He cried tears of Joy and we kissed like any other parent. The family came in, couple by couple starting with Tito & Demetria... they each came in to see and welcome our son into the world.

Demetria: " Girl, he looks just like you."

I nodded in agreement because I think he does right now too. He looks just like me especially when I was born. Kiki held the baby and just like that he was asleep. She gently handed him to the nurse to put in the cradle and she came and sat next to me.

Kiki: " Girl, how are you feeling? Do you need something?"

Jennifer: " I sent some people out to go get my favorite food right now. I honestly don't need anything. But I appreciate the offer. Speaking of feeling... how are you girl?"

Kiki: " I feel good."

I saw her facial expression and started laughing because I knew that look.

Jermaine: " Baby, do you need something?" He asked her.

Kiki: " No, honey. Not right now. We're just catching up really quick."

Jermaine: " Should I step out, baby??"

Jennifer: " Jermaine, you don't have to. Your nephew is right there sleeping. We were just chatting and I was looking at your wife glowing."

He smiled wide and replied.

Jermaine: " I'll most definitely take credit for that glow." He said kissing her cheeks and then her lips.

Then she smiled too after he did that and he held her hand.

Jennifer: " I see." I said giggling lightly.

We all sat and chatted for a little while then they left. Soon after they left, Sherry and Marlon arrived. As per usual. Based on the biological order of the husbands.. the couples showed up and spent time with us. It was like shifts. We spent three days in the hospital making sure we had time to recover and go home in time. When we finally got home. I felt a sense of relief. My husband had directed the men to go to our car and get the hospital bag for us and lock the car back up.

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