Chapter 22

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Knox p.o.v:

So I don't know what you like for food and I wasn't having your number, so I couldn't call you but I got a little of different things. I can tell you haven't had anything to eat since I dropped you here and your eyes are looking all puffy. Have you been crying Knox Allen asked? No I answered defensively.

Come on Knox, you need to take it easy and you need to eat something he continued saying not buying my lie. I am not hungry yet I said while holding Nate's hand and staring at his face, hoping to see a reaction... Any reaction but nothing.

I know you love him Allen said while looking at me. No I don't I said defensively. Come on Knox, I know for a fact that you are in love with him. I see how you look at him and how you are shy around him plus look at how you are worried about him and you are here with him even when you have no reason to plus you have been crying. It's very obvious my dear and you don't have to deny it.

Fine, you are right... Of course I am right he said cutting me off and I shot him a mean glare, well I hope I did.

As I was saying, I am in love with him and when I came to the office this morning, I was hoping to tell him how I feel and maybe we can get to know each other before I discovered he was here and it just makes me feel so sad seeing him look so vulnerable and pale I said with tears pouring down my face like I have a tears factory.

It's okay Knox, I'm positive he will be fine Allen. Has the nurses checked on him today he asked. Yeah they have been coming around to check.

Alright since I am here, I think you should go home to rest and I will be here till you come in the morning he said. No don't worry about me I will stay, you can go home plus you still have to go to work in the morning.

Are you sure cause it's no problem, I  usually stay stay here with him every night then go home in the morning before going to work so I am used to it he said.

I know and I just want to relive you of some stress, so go home and rest. You can come over before going to work in the morning. Okay take care of yourself and make sure you eat something and if you need anything I am just a call away he said while exiting the room.

Here I am once again alone with Nate, what can I do to while away time?

I woke up around 2 am and I didn't realize I slept in the first place, I stretched a little in my sitting position on the chair. Since I'm up and there's nothing to do I guess I should pray, I think that's the best thing I can do at this time. "heaven father, I call on you right now in a special way. It is through your power I was created, every breath he takes, every morning he wakes and every moment of every hour he lives under your power. Father, I ask you now to touch him with that same power.  For if you created him from nothing, you can certainly recreate him. Fill him with the healing power of your spirit, cast out anything that should not be in him and mend what is broken, root out any unproductive cells, open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Let the warmth of your healing love pass through his body to make new any unhealthy areas. Father, restore him to hood health in mind and body, I ask all these through Christ our Lord amen.

When I finished praying it was around 4:33 am so I just held unto Nate's hand with my head in his bed and I drifted to sleep till 6 am when the nurses came in for their ward round and checked on Nate while I waited outside. When the nurses left I returned to my position in the chair and sat quietly. Looking at him right now and he's flawlessly beautiful, just like an angel.

Then I remembered how bossy he was when I first met him at his beach house and how he kept me waiting and I remember how upset he was when I barged in on him at his office .

Will he be upset when he sees me here when he wakes up, I don't even care all I want is for him to be up and I'm going to wait on him.

Morning Knox, did you even try to get any sleep Allen said while dropping something on the bed side table. Yes I did, how are you doing I asked with a small smile. I am fine, I brought you breakfast seeing as you didn't eat through out yesterday and I won't leave for work till you have breakfast he said sternly.

But it's too early to eat, it's just 7:42am I said. Alright the doctor will have his ward round by 8am and you can eat after that and we will find out from the doctor if there is any progress he said while I stood up from the chair and sat on the bed with Nate so that Allen can sit on the chair while we wait for the doctor.

Good morning, how are you doing... Oh there is a new face in here the doctor said as he entered the room and I immediately stood up from the bed and so did Allen.

Oh yes doctor this is Knox, Nate's girlfriend she arrived  yesterday I heard Allen say. I stopped paying attention at the sound of girlfriend but I quickly came down from my high horse.

Doctor please what exactly is wrong with Nate and what do we have to do I asked nervously. Like I told Allen he is in a coma. Coma is a deep state of unconsciousness which happens as a result of intoxication, nervous system disease, metabolic disease, infections, stroke and in his case as a result of traumatic accident which came as a result of blow to his head. Depending on the cause and extent of damage, a coma can occur rapidly or gradually and it can last from several days to several years though most last from days to weeks which is what we are hoping for in this case the doctor said.

So is there anything we can do at this point to help him  recover faster I asked worriedly. At this point there is really nothing we can do other than to pray, wait and hope for the best. But I am here to carry out "GCS" the doctor said.

I'm sorry to ask a lot of questions but what's "GCS" I asked and Allen nodded approvingly like I spoke his mind. It's no border I am happy to explain, "GCS" is Glasgow coma scale which we use to access the severity of brain damage following a head injury.

It's gives patient a score according to verbal responses,  physical responses and how easily they can open their eyes. Which ranges from 1-5, 1-6 and 1-4 respectively. I can't go into all the details, so I let you know the result when I am done the doctor said with a smile.

I don't understand half of what the doctor said but I still appreciate him. Thanks a lot doctor for your help, do we need to wait outside Allen asked.

I'm happy to help and you  have to wait outside the doctor said and I reluctantly followed Allen outside and went to the reception to wait while Allen went to get us coffee. After about 45 minutes or so the doctor came out and told us the result is 11.

What does that mean, is that good or bad Allen asked the doctor. Well, it can be considered good... If the "GCS" score is between 9 to 12 then the condition of the patient is moderate. A Glasgow coma score 8 or less overall indicates a coma and if the score is 13 or more then the impairment to the consciousness is minor. So we are hoping he gets to 13 at least the doctor said.

So you are saying there is hope, that means he is improving right I asked trying to be more clear. Of course he's improving, he was formally below 8 and now we have made it up to 11 so let just be prayerful and hopeful the doctor said before walking away then Allen and I returned back to his room.

As promised, Allen waited for me to have breakfast before he left for work around 10am. After Allen left, I decided to clean up and change into something different from what Harley brought for me yesterday before she left for Steve's house.

I'm definitely feeling more hopeful today after all doctor Mike told us this morning. After dressing up and looking better, I brought out a book that a packed with my things and started reading it out for Nate just to pass time and before I knew it the day went by in a blur and Allen was back to check on Nate and I.

He also brought dinner which we ate together before he decided to go home when it was 9pm. When Allen left I did a quick short prayer with Nate before I drifted to a dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

Please don't forget to vote and comment. And please pardon any typos, I will edit and correct them when I have the time.

Much love 😘😘

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