Chapter 46

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Knox's p.o.v:

Baby I am sorry if I am frustrating you or anything like that but I am frustrated too. I'm upset with the way you are treating me.

Don't forget that I am a person too and I have feelings. You have changed towards me, you talk to me rudely, you don't even let me talk to you or touch you or even let me take you out.

I know you are at the ninth month and you are close to delivery and you are eager to give birth but I am honestly tired of how you treat me.

If my sight disgust you so much and you don't want to see me, all you need to do is tell me instead of acting up and I will move out and stay with Allen or even stay at the hotel while I beg either Harley or Lisa to stay with you just so you can have your space if that's what you want Nate said pacing around the room while I sat on the bed.

Oh I am so sorry baby, I didn't realize I was acting up or treating you badly. I'm just frustrated with how fat I look and how badly my back hurts.

I just feel so sad that I can no longer do the things you like, dress hot, go out with you and have steamy sex with you like we use to.

I just feel fat and ugly I said feeling so bad and crying that I made him sad to the point of even contemplating leaving the house.

Sorry baby please don't cry, I already told you that you are not fat and ugly. Yes you are a little bigger now but you are still very hot and sexy plus I enjoy any type of sex with you and if you are hurting in any part of your body all you need to do is tell me and I will find a solution to it and make you comfortable.

How many times will I tell you how important you are to me or how beautiful you are even as a pregnant woman. "even if you don't want to have sex that's okay" but don't make me feel unwanted by pushing me away and hating my presence he said as he wiped my tears away and kissed my cheeks.

I am sorry baby, I promise that I won't make you feel that way again I said kissing him on the lips.

Okay baby can you come down stairs with me so I can make you breakfast or you can stay here and I will go make and bring it up stairs for you he said.

I will go with you, I don't want to stay here alone I said standing up and following him downstairs to the kitchen.

Sit here he said lifting me up with my huge belly and placing me on the kitchen island. He is so strong to always lift me up on this island even with the fact that my belly is so huge now I thought as I watched him moving around the kitchen and brought out the things he needs.

As he started cooking, I was feeling so uncomfortable in my waist as my lower belly was on fire and my back was hurting badly and sweat broke out on my forehead.

Baby what's wrong, are you okay Nate asked coming over to me and cleaning my sweat.

No baby I am having pains in my waist area, vagina and lower abdomen I said feeling more uncomfortable with the increase of the pain.

The pain lasted for about 60 to 90 seconds before I felt okay again.

Do we need to go to the hospital he asked looking worried. No I think I am fine.

I finally agreed for him to take me to the hospital like 2 hours later, after having breakfast and bathing.

I had mild contractions for about 6 hours which came every 5 to 15 minutes and lasted 60 to 90 seconds. The nurse checked my cervix to see if I was fully dilated but I was in 6 centimeters.

And by this time my contractions were stronger and longer and even more painful. Each lasts for about 45 seconds and they are as close as 3 minutes apart.

At this point I am feeling pressure in my lower back and my legs are cramping. Sorry baby just take it easy, everything will be fine soon Harley said as she came running over to me with Lisa and Allen following behind.

I didn't even realize when Nate called them in the midst of all this pain. I kept on moving around the hospital hallway as I experienced the contractions every now and then till my water broke.

Did you pee baby Nate asked standing in front of me and looking at my face. No my water just broke I said as another contraction came crashing in and at this point I was feeling the urge to push and I could hardly move from this spot.

The nurse checked my cervix again and this time I have dilated up to 10 centimeters. It's time the nurse said as she allowed Nate into the labor room as stated in my birth plan while others were waiting outside.

At this stage my contractions has slow down to every 2 to 5 minutes. The doctor instructed me to push at every contraction and rest between them.

Relax baby I am here with you, it will be over soon he said as he stood by my head side and held my hand as I started pushing hard and shouting as the pain was tearing me apart and my body was shaking with pain as the contraction stopped and I relaxed a bit before it came shattering my body again as I held Nate's hand tightly and screamed as I pushed again and again.

I can see the baby's head, you are almost done just one more time the doctor said. You are doing great baby Nate said as he wiped my sweaty face and kissed my temple as another wave of contraction came and I began to push again and the doctor used forceps or suction to help guide the baby out as I pushed again till I heard my baby crying.

Nate was asked to cut the umbilical cord as I stated in the birth plan which he did happily and the doctor placed my baby on my chest as Nate stood beside me kissing and parting down my hair.

It's a boy the doctor said smiling at me before the nurse came around and took the baby for clean up.

You did so well baby, you are so strong and I am so proud of you. I love you both so so much, you guys are my everything and you both makes me so complete he said as he kissed me on the lips before stepping out to announce the news to Allen, Harley and Lisa while the nurse cleaned me up as well.

This is the happiest day of my life I thought to myself as I watched how happy Nate was when he saw the baby.

The stress of the nine months and the pain of the past 14 hours was all worth it when I finally saw my baby boy.

The End

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