Chapter 33

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Nathan's p.o.v:

I think its the delivery guy, can you get it for me Knox I asked as the door bell rang. After picking Knox up this evening, we just came home and decided to order pizza cause honestly I am in no mood to cook and I don't want to stress her.

Baby can you tell me what's bothering you now that the pizza is here cause I don't like how worried and dull you look she said after collecting the pizza from the delivery guy.

Of course, have a sit I requested as I placed the plates on the coffee table and dished out the pizza. I realized that we have been together for over 6 months now and you don't really know much about my past or even family and that's why I have decided to tell you.

I don't know my biological parents, I heard that my mum gave me up to the orphanage when I was a baby and I was later adopted when I was five years old.

We were very comfortable but along the line, my dad made a bad investment and lost all his money. After that incident, we lost everything and we started struggling.

The suffering was so much that my dad couldn't get used to our current status, he has been rich most of his life that he couldn't take been poor and not been able to provide for his family.

So one day he committed suicide in his study and when my mum say him dead in the study, she became traumatized.

She was so helpless, so much so that she stopped talking and she started eating less. She stopped going out or seeing anyone and she even stopped talking to me and I didn't know how to help her.

Then I started struggling a lot trying to  pay bills and provide food and also care for my mum. At the moment I was in my first year in college and I also have to pay my school bills myself.

It was a lot and it was too difficult that I almost dropped out. Then I started cooking and making snacks and selling them in my neighborhood and also in school, just so I can take care of my mum and also continue with my education.

It was during this period I met Allen, he wasn't rich but he tried to support me in the little ways he could. He understood my pains and suffering, he encouraged me to keep selling the food and snacks I make and he helps me to sell them too.

My mums condition became even worse that I had to take her to a psychiatric home with the help and support of Allen of course, and she's still there till now.

But while I was in school in the midst of all this, I met a girl. We liked each other and she was very understanding at the time so we started dating even though Allen didn't like her and he advised me not to get involved with her but I was too stupid to listen.

Along the line she decided to support me with the little money she had and with the money I saved up from my business, I was able to pay for a small space and continued selling my food and snacks there.

We didn't even have enough money to make it look fancy or get staff, so it was just Allen and I. I worked in the kitchen and Allen served the food and also the account part. And we did this together for almost a year before we were able to afford paying staff.

After we finished college, we just focused on the business then I noticed Maria was looking sick and bad. Later on I found out she was doing drugs. I tried to help her but she wouldn't have it.

She became so worse with the addiction so much so that she has sold almost everything she had. So Allen and I bundled her up and forcefully took her to a rehab.

I don't know how she did it but she ran away and she was so furious with me that she said she was no longer interested in us and that I should give her back her money.

I was so confused about the money she was talking about cause I couldn't think of when I borrowed any money from her. The only money she gave me was a gift and so I don't understand why she's asking for it.

But because of the love I had for her and I say that she needed money, seeing as she's now the shadow of herself and she said she wanted to start a new life and that she has stopped doing drugs. So I decided to give her triple of the initial amount she gave me.

The money I took out of my business to settle her affected the flow of the business so much so that Allen and I had to lay off all my workers and we were back to square one again as we started struggling to keep up with the business.

I struggled so much after that to get the business back on its feet before I was okay enough to have other branches of the restaurant then branching to hotels as well.

It was a lot of struggle to get to where I am today but the main reason I am telling you about Maria is because she's back and she was even at the event yesterday.

Wait, is she the one that wore a red dress yesterday. Standing at the corner of the room Knox asked cutting me off. Yes that's her but how did you know I asked surprise she noticed her even though I don't think they have met before.

I noticed her because I was having a weird feeling about her, she was staring at me creepily and I think she was even following us at a point she said nervously.

I see you are very observant and smart, that's one of the many reasons I love you I pointed out making her smile and easing the tension.

So she came to my office today and said the money I gave her isn't enough and that she wants 30% of my shares or I should marry her.

She can't be serious right, you suffered to get to where you are at this point in your life and I am so sorry for all you went through in your childhood and with your family. I wish there is something I can do to take away all the pain you felt and all the struggling you passed through but all that turned you into this hardworking and amazing young man you are now.

So what are we going to do now, are you giving her your shares? Maybe in her dreams I said standing up to get bottle of water from the fridge.

Are you going to marry her then she asked with a frown when I returned from the kitchen. How can you even say that, of course not. I will never do that, she can't fucking force me to do anything.

I'm just telling you so you can be aware just in case she approaches you or something. Aside from that, I am not scared of her and I don't give a fuck about her.

I am glad to know she has nothing on you, so there's is nothing to worry about. She will probably get tired of asking soon she said.

I think you are right cause there is no way in hell I am giving in to her outrageous demands. Since all that is out of the way, what should we do with the rest of the day.

We can see a movie if you like she suggested. That's a good idea, you can pick the movie while I make the popcorn I said while heading to the kitchen.

Babe, you sleeping over right I asked when I returned with the popcorn. Yes I am she answered with a toothy grin.

That's good, babe why don't you just move in with me so you don't have to keep going and coming. I love it when you are here with me, moreover it's already over 6 months I think it's time for you to move in.

Come on baby, I still think it's too early. I don't want you to get tired of my presence. I  know and you are right but I still think it's time for you to move in and I even think it will help us take the relationship to the next level. You should seriously think about it, I miss you a lot when you are not here and I am always home alone.

Alright fine, I will think about it she said teasingly and kissing me.

So have you picked out a movie yet? Not really, I can't decide between this two movies, which do you prefer between them she asked. Well since you are sleeping over tonight, we will have time to see them both so we can as well start with anyone I said with a smirk.

Author's Note:

There you go guys and please pardon any spelling mistakes.

I will edit and correct them as soon as I have the time.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. Much love 😘😘

GIRLFRIEND FOR HIRE (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें