The Morning

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Damian woke up at six in the morning to train. In the training room, he vigorously continued to punch a three hundred pound punching bag. During his exercise Alfred slept, or at least tried to. He heard many loud rusty ruckuses that he couldn't stand it. He desperately sat up from his china silk blankets, and slipped on his British flag slippers.
He later stomped down the stairs of Wayne Manor to the source of the ruckuses.
"Master Damian! May I ask what you are doing at this hour? " Alfred asked with a crispy voice tying his robe.
"I am currently being bombarded with ridiculous questions as I train." Damian answered while attacking his punching bag.
Alfred shuffled his feet to Damian, and stopped him from punching the bag.
"This obsession of exercise is demolishing your mind. I must advise you to stop, and go to sleep." Alfred stressed.
Damian tightened his red fists.
"If father doesn't need sleep then neither do I."
"Yet, what is he doing right now?" Alfred asked his leading question.
"Recovering from last nights patrol." Damian followed.
"And how is Master Bruce recovering?"
"Slowly, if you ask me." Damian scoffed.
"No. Right now he is recovering himself with a deep slumber. You should follow his example." Alfred's tall voice convinced Damian to go to bed.
At least he thought so, but in reality Damian did several different kinds of sit ups in his room till seven o'clock. He began to change out of his work clothes, and into his school uniform. Attending Gotham Academy he must follow the strict attire rules.
In front of his bathroom mirror he tied his tie, and traveled to the dining room with his polished school shoes. There he ate Alfred's famous pancakes with a side of tofu bacon. As Damian choked down his food, Bruce sat on the far end of the table reading the newspaper.
"Any events I should be weary about father?" Damian started.
"Before school. No, but after we'll talk." Bruce ended the conversation.
Alfred then picked up Damian's empty plate.
"Father, I am thirteen know. I deserve to be aware of the criminals around Gotham before school. I should also be able to train at any time with no distractions." Damian argued slightly gazing at Alfred.
Bruce sighed not ready to have an argument," Damian you are under my house. You can make your own decisions when you're eighteen like everyone else, but until then you stay here under the custody of Alfred and I. Do you understand?"
"I always do." Damian sighed.
Alfred pulled in the limo for Damian to hop in the back seat with his backpack. In the back seat, Damian scrolled through police files on his phone. Alfred untinted the limo windows under the concern that Damian wasn't getting enough sunlight as he did so Damian hissed.
"Alfred! Tint the windows! Ultraviolet rays are entering my system!"
"That is the point Master Damian. You conceal yourself in the cave for so long that your tan skin in turning white. " Alfred claimed.
"I can assure you that turning Caucasian because of the lack of vitamin D is not physically possible. " Damain explained.
Alfred ignored his complaint, and continued to drive to school.

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