The visit

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Damian awaken on the couch with a neck cramp, and a sticky note stuck to his forehead. Then slowly sat up, and and examined the note.
I let myself out sleepy head. See you on Monday.
~ Ana G.
"Good you're awake." Dick said from behind.
"Why are you present Grayson?" Damian answered still in his school uniform.
"Bruce is out of town on League business. He put me in charge." Dick answered while he flopped on the couch.
"I don't need a babysitter," Damian stated,"Where is Pennyworth?"
"I promised him the day off."
"Perfect." Damian rolled his eyes, and went to change.
"Um...Damian?" Dick asked.
"What, Grayson?"
"Who's Ana?"
"A respectable female." Damian walked off, but Dick wasn't so sure that was it.
Later Jason picked the lock to the back door, and let himself in. Tim Drake as the sane Robin he is; went through the unlocked front door. Tim reached the living room first, and caught Dick and Damian watching Finding Nemo on the big screen without him.
"Guys! You know I like this movie! You better have recorded it!" Tim greeted with a childish complain.
"Ugh. Who invited the toddler?" Damian responded.
"Wait. Who's the toddler?" Tim sassed," What are you eleven?"
"Thirteen! You imbecile!" Damian corrected.
"Woah. Woah. Calm down guys Dory's on." Dick interrupted hypnotized by the large bright screen.
Jason quietly stocked to the living, and saw the first, third, and fifth Robin on the couch.
"Damn it!"
"Greetings, Tod. We were expecting you." Damian said distracted by the movie.
"So you're stalking me now?" Jason said.
"Technically, you're the stalker." Tim announced.
"You did come in through the back door." Dick agreed.
"Shut it." Jason reluctantly sat on the couch next to Tim.
After the movie was over Damian discuss his predicament with the boys for he had nothing else to do.
"So you want a new look?" Jason summed up.
"Just something that will attract other stimulating creatures that are compatible with my qualities." Damian clarified.
"New look it is." Tim answered.
Dick was the happiest of them all. He always wanted to give Damian teen tips. Now the day has finally come.
"I will choose his clothes!" Dick divided.
"I will teach the kid English." Todd chose.
"I will be in charge of-"
"Refreshments." Damian stopped Tim, "I will not be needing your assistance today, or ever."
Tim grumbled to the kitchen to get snacks. Damian, pretty satisfied, started his transformation with Jason while Dick went shopping.
"First things first kid, no more big words. You have to start shortening what you say, or no one will ever understand what you're saying." Jason started.
"How should I clarify my statements? " Damain asked.
Jason sighed," Lets start with the word ain't."
"Ain't." Damian repeated.
"I ain't doing this."Jason continued.
"I am not.... I mean I ain't-. This is ridiculous Tod. This is not proper grammar! How will this assist others to comprehend what I'm saying!"
Jason face palmed himself.
"This is going to be a long weekend."

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