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"Your name is?"

"Cody, my name is Cody."


"Well it was nice to meet you Cody but i think i should really go now."

She wanted to get away as soon as possible and get to her comfy place.

“Oh before this. Can we.. exchange- phone numbers? I would really like to be your friend.”

She was confused and hesitant to do such thing. She didn't want a possible killer to have her phone number.

Maybe he could even track her location just by that.

'hell no.'

"Maybe we can meet up tomorrow at 13 in that cafe over there to get to know each other”

She looked at her phone nervously, turning on and off the screen while Cody replied.

“Oh well look, i really have to get home now! See you tomorrow!”

And with that she got away from him quickly, not letting him have time to speak.

She safely got home and went to do her usual things.


He clenched his fists looking at the girl who was walking off.

He knew that it would take him awhile to let her trust him but he didn't mind.

He could take advantage of this opportunity to break her every form.

Mentally, emotionally, physically.

He couldn't wait to strike, he was impatient.

'Maybe if I..'


The girl took a deep breath, her lungs desperate for air.

She ran for awhile, she kept looking behind her to see if he was following her.

Paranoia took control over her body making her do things that to others' eyes resulted concerning.

People saw her passing by running and looking behind, a group of girls even stopped her to ask her if she was okay and if she was being followed by an old man.

She came off as rude with her every reply.

Eventually she reached her house and frenetically closed all the doors.

'Maybe I'm overreacting'

She looked at the window and sighed thinking of how embarrassing it would be to go out the next day.

'Bipolar bitch'

He observed as she sat on the floor, staring at nothing.

Maybe it would've been fun to play with her sanity a little.

He chuckled as he walked away from the house.

He couldn't wait to see his victim discover her friend.

Just imagining how much her sanity would go down was entertaining to him.


He walked to his isolated house.

He lightly touched the table with his pale fingers and looked over at the edge of it.


He hated that. His house needed to be clean unless his experiments needed to be tested in a particular ambientance.

He couldn't afford to let all his vials get covered in it.

He sighed but procedeed to the successive room.

It was at the bottom of a flight of stairs.

He slowly walked down, muffled pleads could be heard on the other side of the wooden slim wall.

He opened the door and went in the room, not turning the lights on.

He crouched down to meet the victim’s face. He couldn't see clearly since it was a deep dark and he didn't have the eyes of a cat.

His face light up with a sadistic smile and-


“I'm alright. It's alright y/n. It was just a weird dream, that's all.”

short chapter, sorry!

Monster [X-Virus x F!Reader] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now