The Silent Girlfriend

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Billy's alarm started to go off from the nightstand next to the bed and I woke up from my sleep. I heard Billy moan as he reached over to grab his phone and turn the alarm off. I stared at the wall as I waited for him to get up to get ready for work. I felt the bed shift as he got up. I continued to act like I was asleep as he shuffled around the room. Once I heard the door open and shut I lifted my head up and saw that he had left the room. I reached over to grab my phone from the stand and saw that Sean had texted me during the night.

Hey! I haven't heard back from you.
Hope everything is okay.

I immediately deleted the message. It had been a week since I ran into Sean at the grocery store and I was too afraid to message him. Even though he was just an old friend of mine, if Billy found out, I knew that he would hurt me.

I set my phone back down on the stand and ended up getting up.  It was the beginning of another week and I had to get Emily's things ready for school. I pulled the sheets and covers back up on the bed and smoothed everything out until it was perfect. I grabbed some of Billy's dirty clothes that were laying on the floor and headed out of the room. I threw the clothes in the laundry basket and went into the bathroom.

Once I was done in the bathroom, teeth brush and hair in a messy bun, I headed towards the kitchen where Billy was pouring himself a mug of coffee to take to work with him. I opened up the cupboard door and took out Emily's favorite box of cereal. I placed it on the counter and saw Emily walking into the kitchen out of the corner of my eye.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," I said with a smile as I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard.

She walked over to the table and sat down as she let out a yawn.

"I'm going out with some friends after work, so don't wait up for me," Billy said as he put the lid on his coffee mug and I nodded my head.

"Here's your juice," I said as I placed a cup of juice down on the table in front of Emily.

As I started to dump some cereal into the bowl, I heard Emily gasp and I looked over to see that she had accidentally knocked her cup over and spilled the juice.

"Son of a..." Billy started to say as he got angry from her spilling the juice.

"I'm sorry, daddy," Emily said as she started to get upset.

"It's okay, sweetie," I said as I grabbed some paper towels to clean it up with. "It was just an accident," I added as I headed over towards the table.

"It's not okay. She should be more careful," Billy said in an angry voice as he looked at me.

Emily started to get more upset and I rubbed her back.

"It's okay, sweetie. It was just an accident," I said to her again and then glanced over at Billy.

He was furious with me and started to walk over towards me. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me back towards our bedroom area. Once he stopped walking, we both came to a stop and his hand ended up roughly colliding with my face, causing me to turn to the side. He grabbed me by the hair on my head and I let out a yelp as he tilted my face to look at him.

"What did I tell you about teaching her manners?" he asked through gritted teeth in a quiet voice as I panicked. "It is NOT okay. Do you hear me?" he asked and I nodded my head, hoping that he wouldn't do any worse to me. "ANSWER ME!" he shouted, causing me to jump.

"Y-yes, I hear you," I replied in a scared voice and he roughly let go of my hair.

"Good. Clean yourself up. You look like a mess," he said and let out a slight chuckle. "Remember, don't wait up for me," he said as he headed back towards the kitchen area to gather his things for work.

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