Where Is She?

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A couple days had passed and I was finally being released from the hospital. I had tried to leave the day I was brought in, but they doctors wouldn't let me. I needed to find Emily. I needed to know that she was okay. God only knows where Billy had taken her and what he was doing to her.

Sean helped me up into his Jeep and I sat there as he went around the driver's side to get in. Once he got in, he started the Jeep and headed out of the parking lot. I stared out the window not knowing what to do or what to say. I kept looking around for any sign of Billy's car.

"I figured you could come stay with me, just so I can look after you to make sure you're okay," Sean said as he broke the silence.

I continued to stare out the window without saying a word and I could feel him look over at me from time to time. I couldn't find the words to say anything to him. I was too broken over what going on. A part of my life had been ripped from me and it was tearing my life apart.

"I'm going to take you to get some of your things. Is that okay?" he asked as he glanced over at me, but I didn't answer. 

He pulled up to a stop sign and looked over at me again. I felt him place his hand on top of mine and I looked down at his hand before I looked over at him. Tears formed in my eyes as we both looked at each other. I watched as his eyes softened before he spoke.

"We're going to find her, Lauren. I promise," he said in a sincere voice and I nodded my head before I looked back out the window as he turned onto the road.

He turned down my driveway and started to drive towards the house. Once he parked the Jeep, he helped me out and we made our way up the steps. I opened the door and took a few steps into the house. I looked around, hoping that I would see Emily, but I knew she wasn't there.

"I'm going to pack up some of your things for you. Are you going to be okay?" he asked as he lightly touched my back with his hand.

I slightly nodded my head and he made his way down the hallway towards the bedroom. I started to walk around the house and stepped into the kitchen. I saw the blood marks on the floor and the events that took place from the previous days started to flood my mind. All of the yelling, punching, swearing came flooding back. Tears came to my eyes and I squeezed them shut as I started to have trouble breathing. I placed my hand on my chest and gasped for air as I started to panic.

"Lauren," I heard Sean's voice say and I looked over to see him standing there with my bag while I gasped for air. "Hey," he said as he set the bag down on the floor and quickly walked over to me as I continued to gasp. "You're okay," he said as he placed his hands on the sides of my arms and I shook my head. "You're having a panic attack. Just try to breathe," he said as he looked into my eyes and I kept gasping as he guided me over to the table to sit down on a chair.

I sat down and gasped as I placed a hand on my chest and tears came to my eyes. I didn't know what was going on, but I was scared.

"Lauren, look at me," he said and I looked at him. "Take some slow, deep breaths," he said and I tried my best to do what he was asking me to do.

As I started to take the slow deep breaths, I felt myself start to calm down. The panic feeling started to go away and I looked at him again.

"There you go," he said with a slight smile as my breathing came back to normal. "You're okay," he assured me as he nodded his head.

I looked over at the table and saw one of Emily's drawings on the table. I picked up the paper from the table and looked at it. It was a picture that she drew of the two of us. Tears came to my eyes as I brought my hand to my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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