[ 003 ] i wish it was you.

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i wish it was you.

ODESSA STANDS BESIDE GLENN as they watch the others strip the beautiful car he and Rick stole. "Y'all are killin' me!" She exclaims dramatically, hitting her thighs. "It's so beautiful and you monsters are tearing it apart!"

"What she said!" Glenn points to her. "Vultures." He grumbles.

"We'll steal another one someday, Glenny-Poo." She sighs.

"Don't call me that," he sends her a playful glare.

The sound of Shane's jeep pulling to a stop fills their ears. "Water's here, y'all. Just a reminder to boil before use." Odessa grabs a can of the gas off the jeep.

"Boil before use," Odessa mocks to Glenn. "I'll set him on fire."

Then the scream echoes.

"Odessa!" A boy screames. "Mom!"

The can hits the ground and Odessa is flying toward the screams. "Carl!" She shouts. "Sophia!" She jumps over the rope with cans tied to it.

Carl crashes into their mother and Sophia's skinny arms go around Odessa. She cradles the young girl to her. "Are y'all okay?" She asks the two with wide eyes. Sophia nods against her chest.

She holds the girl until Carol reaches them and then the teenager looks to where the men are beating a walker that had been eating on a deer. "The head!" She calls. Dale's axe is brought down on its neck, detaching its head and body.

"It's the first one we've had up here," Dale speaks up. "They never come this far up the mountain."

"It's because they're runnin' out of food in the city, that's what." Jim states.

Branches snap and leaves rustle. Instinctively, Odessa takes a step back despite being a good twenty feet from them. She watches as a man, not a walker, steps out of the woods.

She sighs to herself, a sigh of relief and frustration.

The man holds a crossbow and has short hair. He is the definition of a redneck. If you search for the word redneck in the dictionary, you'd certainly find a picture of Daryl Dixon.

"Son of a bitch!" The man exclaims angrily when he sees the gnawed-on deer. "That's mah deer!"

He walks closer, "look at it. All gnawed on by this filthy," he starts to kick the body of the walker, "disease-bearin'," kick, "motherless," another kick, "poxy," oh, another kick, "bastard!"

"Calm down, son. That's not gonna help." Dale says to him.

"What do you know about it, old man?" Daryl walk up to him. Odessa's eyes narrow. "Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond?" He stalks back to the deer and begins to pull out his bolts, "I've been trackin' this dear for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison."

The redneck then gestures to the chewed up part of the deer, "what do ya think? Think we can cut around this chewed up part here?"

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