Chapter 2 - Moms Know What They're Doing

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It's been a week since Oikawa and I had our first meeting about his article. Trying to find time since then has been difficult.

We exchanged numbers after drinks and then it was excuse after excuse not to be able to meet again due to our busy schedules.

But it was Monday and after an exhausting week, I was burnt out. I had started writing a rough draft of Oikawa's article on top of other articles for the upcoming paper. I also had to keep up with school work and organize our upcoming newspaper club meeting, while also trying to maintain my mental health and sleep.'s no wonder I passed out on a library sofa at the end of the school day.

"Mia..." I felt a light touch against my face and my hair being pushed to the side of my cheek.

I awoke to the sight of beady chocolate brown eyes staring at me only to realize it was Oikawa.

I rose up slowly, still processing where I was and how I embarrassingly fell asleep on the sofa in the library.

"Did I really fall asleep here?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"You really did. Good thing I spotted you in the window before leaving, could you imagine sleeping here all night?" He said with a laugh.

With his help, I gathered my things and we headed out of the library.

"Hey, thanks for waking me up. My mom would have been worried sick if I didn't come home for dinner." I told him.

"No problem, as adorable as you look when you're asleep, I couldn't just let you stay there." He smirked.

I felt my cheeks getting warm again.

"Stop it." I scolded.

He laughed.

"I'm just being honest." He shrugged.

"Well don't be. Unless we are discussing your article." I smirked back.

As we began walking our separate ways, Oikawa hastily turned back.

"Oh, hey! I was gonna ask if you had the notes from class on Friday? I missed class that day and need them to study." He asked.

"Yeah, sure...I...wait a minute" I remembered I left them at home from studying them over the weekend. "I'm so sorry, I actually don't have them on me right now. They are back at my house. I can give them to you tomorrow?"

"Actually, if I could walk you home, I can just grab them from you?" He asked sweetly and not flirty like in the manner he normally would.

"Yeah, that would be fine." I said back.


Our walk to my house was nice actually. It was less "interview-y" and more casual. It was odd that I felt rather comfortable around him.

I've observed Oikawa a lot in the years we have been going to school together. NOT because I like him or anything...I just naturally like to observe people, you know?

Anyways, as I've said before, he thrived in the limelight. He knew how people saw him and he knew he was the best. He is confident, maybe overly confident...but had good reason to be. On the court, he was royalty, all eyes on him which could paint him to look like a terrible captain. But he wasn't.

In truth, he cared a lot about his team. Not only did Oikawa thrive in glory, but the whole team did. It's what kept them going. No matter how others perceived their captain, they saw him as just that. Their captain, the one who wouldn't let the team fall and the drive that made Seijoh's volleyball club worth cheering for.

MY SETTER | Toru Oikawa - Haikyuu!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang