Chapter 3 - IWA-CHAN!!

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It was Tuesday and standing in front of my locker, all I could think about was what happened the night before.

I felt like someone put a spell on me. For so long, I took pride in being one of the only girls who wasn't bowing at Oikawa's feet. Not like I would ever do that anyway, but what if I was falling for him? Am I going crazy?

I'm the head of the school newspaper...he was the captain of the volleyball club. We weren't exactly on the same level.

Still, he made me someone beautiful. Someone worth talking to.

"Damn it!" Yuri said, slamming her locker which put me out of my daydreaming.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"How do I convince Iwaizumi to let me write his article? I asked him again this morning and he completely turned me down. Said it was lame." She said infuriated. Yuri was my best friend and also a writer in our club though she didn't take it as seriously as I did.

She is my better half. She's a lot friendlier and easier for people to get along with. She's pretty popular actually and like me, she also wasn't into Toru Oikawa. Well I guess I can't exactly say that about me now...

Instead, Yuri preferred...a different Seijoh volleyball player. She likes a challenge.

"Can't say I'm surprised, being featured in the paper doesn't exactly sound like his thing..." I chuckled, still knowing that wouldn't make her feel better.

"Ugh...I gotta figure out how to get him to come around. Anyways, how are things going with Oikawa? Have you talked to him since your steamy make out sesh yesterday?!" Yuri said a little too loud.

"SHH! Yuri keep it down! I'd rather not get mauled by the entire female student body..." I whispered back.

"What?! I'm happy for you! What a cute love story that would be right?! Cute nerdy girl writes article about the popular volleyball captain who is constantly surrounded by girls but only wants her...and they fall in love with each other while she's writing his article and then later they get married and have lots of babies!!" Yuri has given this more thought than I have.

I burst out laughing.

"You really need to take a break from Wattpad, you know that?" I said.

Later that day, after third-period with Oikawa, he stopped me after class. Oh no, was he going to ask me about yesterday?! Maybe I came on too harsh. Maybe that ruined everything. Maybe he won't want me to write his article anymore.

"Mia! Hey, I meant to text you last night but I was so tired I kind of just passed out..." he said blushing.

"Don't worry about it, did you need something? Was it a question about my notes?" I asked, still waiting for him to tell me he doesn't see me like that and doesn't want me to get the wrong impression.

"Oh, no! Actually, I wanted to see if you wanted to attend some of our practices sometimes? I figure it might be good for you while writing the article." He said almost like he really wanted me there.

This might actually be good? I have gone to countless volleyball games. When I first joined the newspaper club, they put me in charge of writing about the volleyball games, so I would usually attend them all when I could. But practices are more intimate and might give me more about the kind of captain Oikawa is.

"That would be great! I'd love too on days where my club doesn't meet." I said cheerfully.

"Cool, I'll see you there then!" He said in his usual smug nature. He knew I'd accept.


While our club did meet that day, our meeting ended early so I decided to head over to the remainder of Oikawa's practice.

Yuri invited herself in hopes of convincing Iwaizumi to let her write his article.

As we entered the first floor of the building as quietly as possible, the boys hardly took notice as they were well into practice.

Yuri and I sat down and began to observe the boys in action.

It was always inspiring watching our boys play. I have never been athletic, nor do I know what it's like to be part of a team that really has to work together to achieve something. Watching them was fun. It made me happy.

Not long after we arrived, the coach called for a short break.

Oikawa finally took notice that we were there and came up to greet us.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it!" He said panting from the first part of practice.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me be here...oh, and I hope it's not a problem that Yuri is here too..." I said, Yuri not even noticing and instead glaring at Iwa who was also making his way over.

"Sure! That's fine. Although I'm not sure Iwa will be too thrilled about it..." he laughed.

"Yuri, if you're here still trying to convince to me let you write that stupid can leave. I told you I'm not doing it." Iwaizumi said.

Hajime Iwaizumi, along with Yuri, Oikawa and I all went to junior high together before all coming to Aoba Johsai as well. While he was typically a sweet guy, Yuri always seemed to be the one to push his buttons.

"You better let me write your article!! You are the vice captain after all..." and as Yuri went on, Iwa began walking away.

"IWA-CHAN! Don't walk away from me!!" Yuri yelled following him.

I lightly slapped my forehead in embarrassment of my best friend. Meanwhile, Oikawa laughed before sitting down beside me.

"I think Iwa secretly likes the attention from her. He pushes her buttons as much as she pushes his." Oikawa observed. I felt the same way.

"So...while I have you here, tell me about your jump serve? That seems really hard to do but you perfected it." I asked.

"I noticed someone did it when I was younger and thought it looked cool, so I practiced it until I perfected it." He answered back, taking another sip from his water.

"Simple process but I'm sure it took awhile to master." I said.

"Oh yeah. It wasn't easy at all. But I wanted to perfect something that seemed almost impossible. Something worth being known for. So I never gave up and by now, it's second-nature." He said confidently.

Oikawa turned to notice I was jotting down notes in my notebook and I could see that he was trying to lean over enough to read what I was writing.

"Don't worry, I'll let you read parts of the article as I draft it." I said smiling.

I peeked over to notice him smiling back.

Coach called for practice to resume so Oikawa stood up and headed back to the court, meanwhile Yuri stomped her way back to me.

"I take it he still isn't budging?" I said.

Yuri had her arms crossed and her face was noticeably angry.

"No..." she grunted.

MY SETTER | Toru Oikawa - Haikyuu!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora