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Chapter 7: Friendship

The days slowly dragged on, and I found myself wishing to graduate the academy already if only to break up the monotony. I half-heartedly engaged Naruto when he talked to me or asked to see my drawings. I no longer had the strength to resist him. Fortunately, he did not pry harder than was necessary.

"Katsumi, Naruto, can I see you two for a minute?" Iruka said one Friday at the end of classes.

Naruto gave me a worried look, but I simply shrugged. I did not care if I got into trouble. What were they going to do, kick me out? "What is it, sensei?" Naruto asked nervously as we reached the front.

Iruka gave him a reassuring smile. "You're not in trouble, Naruto." He looked at me. "Katsumi, your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?"

I frowned. "If tomorrow is the 18th, yeah." Every day was so similar that I lost track of the exact date.

"I understand birthdays are a big deal where you come from, correct?"

I shrugged. "For most people." I had not had a birthday party since I learned the truth about my family. My dad did not view them as important, and over time, I did not have anyone to invite.

"How about I take you and Naruto out for ramen right now to celebrate?"

Naruto's face instantly lit up. "That's a great idea, Iruka sensei!"

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Sorry, but I'm not interested. I know what you're trying to do. I don't need any friends."

Iruka nodded slowly. "I understand. May I see your sketchbook?"

I blinked. "Why?" He had to be up to something, but I could not make the connection.

"I'll get it," Naruto said. Before I could stop him, he reached into the bag slung over my shoulder, pulled out my sketchbook, and handed the book to Iruka.


Iruka flipped through the pages. "You draw a lot of cats and foxes."

"So? I draw what I see, and someone doesn't know how to leave people alone."

"Have you noticed the cat looks happier when you draw her with the fox than when you draw her alone?"

I frowned. "No way!" I grabbed the sketchbook and examined it. I had many drawings of the black cat that represented me, and the lines were harsh and dark, making her look unapproachable. In the drawings of the cat and fox together, the lines were smoother, and the cat often had an annoyed or amused expression. If I was completely honest with myself, I was more temperamental when I tried to ignore Naruto. I let out a heavy sigh. "Fine, let's go."

Naruto grinned. "Alright!"

Iruka brought us to Ramen Ichiraku. Naruto could not stop talking about it along the way, and he insisted that he order for me. He watched intensely as I took my first bite. Instantly, I understood his enthusiasm. I had had great ramen before, but this was on a whole nother level. "Okay, this is good," I said.

"Yes! I knew you would like it!" Naruto said happily.

I used my food as an excuse not to say anything over the course of the meal. Naruto and Iruka talked to each other, but they also occasionally stopped to make sure I was doing well. I did not understand it. "Thank you for the food, Iruka sensei," I said at the end of the meal, "but why are you so nice to me? I can't be your ideal student." All my previous teachers had tolerated me at best. I did not do well with authority figures in general.

Iruka tilted his head to the side as if considering the question. Then he smiled at me. "I believe you have a lot of potential, Katsumi. You clearly care about justice and are concerned about other people. That makes you a good person."

Vision of Truth I: Cat and Fox (Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now