Itachi's Eyes

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A/N: We're onto the last arc for this first story. I hope you enjoy!


"When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

- "Demons" by Imagine Dragons

Chapter 27: Itachi's Eyes

"Katsumi!" Naruto shouted excitedly as soon as I exited my house. "Pervy Sage and I are going on a journey, and he's going to teach me an amazing new jutsu!"

I stifled a yawn. How did he have so much energy this early in the morning? "That's great, but why do you have to go on a journey to learn a jutsu?"

"Oh, Pervy Sage wants to search for some lady."

I blinked. "Right... Well, have fun. Do you know where you're headed?"

Naruto grinned and told me the name of the first town they would be visiting. "But we could end up all over the place. It sounds like this lady is hard to track down."

"Alright, I'll see you later then." I waved him off, and he ran away with just as much energy as he had arrived. There was no point in going back to bed, so I started for the center of the village. I stopped when I realized Kakashi stood in the middle of the road, right in my way.

"Good morning, Katsumi," he said with a smile. "Let's take a walk."

I shrugged. "Alright." We start off through the village, side by side. "I don't think I've ever seen you this early."

Kakashi chuckled lightly. "And I have never seen you up this early."

"Naruto woke me up to yell his plans at me." Although, to be fair, I would have been angrier if he left without saying anything. Who knew how long he would be away? "You'd think he'd need some rest before another adventure, but apparently not."

Kakashi glanced at me. "How are you doing with everything? Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine. I am still a little worried about Gaara though."

"Jiraiya told me you trained with him all month. He said you were able to subdue the One Tail inside him."

I snorted. "That's quite the exaggeration. I couldn't stop Gaara from letting Shukaku take over yesterday. And I couldn't even stop Shukaku from trying to kill me." I shook my head. "It's more like I was able to calm Gaara, and somehow that had a secondary effect on Shukaku. But it was more effective when we were alone or when I could touch him."

Kakashi nodded slowly. "I see. Exaggeration or not, that is still quite remarkable. And you were also once able to calm Naruto when the Nine Tail's chakra tried to take over." He stopped walking when we reached a tea shop and turned to face me.

"What exactly are you getting at?" I searched his face for information but found nothing unusual.

"I'm just saying you may have some sort of special ability to help you in these situations. I have never heard of anyone calming an enraged jinchuriki - one who knew nothing but killing."

"Or maybe no one has ever had the guts to try. Everyone lets fear and hatred take over. They don't see jinchuriki as people... just monsters." And the very thought sickened me. There was no way that was just.

Kakashi gave me an understanding look. "You are not wrong about that." He glanced back at the tea shop. "I am meeting Sasuke here, but something came up. Wait for him and tell him I will be back shortly."

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