The Sharingan and the Portal

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Chapter 15: The Sharingan and the Portal

My team left the Land of Waves after Tazuna completed the bridge several days later. It was a bittersweet parting as Inari and the villagers had become our friends. But our mission was complete, and so we returned to the Leaf Village. My grandfather wanted to know everything right away, of course, and he actually sounded proud of me. I finally felt like a real ninja... and maybe that was not so bad.

We resumed lower leveled missions that Naruto found boring. After our long higher leveled mission, however, he did not complain quite as much. Besides, he enjoyed our training sessions immensely. The 21st of the month came by quickly, and with it, another letter:

Hello Katsumi,

Happy April! Spring is in the air and summertime just around the corner. Spring is my absolute favorite season. Do you want to know why? It's full of hope and possibility! Winter is over and warmer days ahead. Spring reminds me that dark seasons always end, and there is a better future waiting for you. I hope you find something to believe in as you continue your ninja journey. There is a whole lot to do out in the world, and I am sure you will find what's yours!

Although previously I found the notes cheesy and annoying, this time I had to smile. This guy really did sound an awful lot like Naruto. And maybe he was right. Maybe I had been too focused on the negatives of my situation, which did not allow me to notice the positives. I vowed to change that right away. If I was stuck in this world, I might as well find a way to enjoy it.

About two weeks later, I found my mind drifting to the portal as I got ready for the day. Unable to shake the thoughts, I decided to make a quick visit to the mountains. At the very least, the fresh air would help me clear my mind and prepare me for my upcoming training.

The forest I traversed was eerily quiet. Could the animals sense the power of the portal and chose to stay away? I stood before the spherical ball of energy, thinking. Was it really possible to break the curse? Could I change my fate? I knew Naruto would not stop trying if I didn't stop him... and I was not sure I wanted to get in his way.

I lifted my head and froze. For split second, I saw the silhouette of a dark figure hidden among the trees... a figure with red eyes. A chill ran down my spine. I blinked, and it was gone. Taking a deep breath, I focused on my senses, but found nothing. Still, I did want to stick around. I ran down the mountain until I was out of breath. I took only a small break before taking off again for my team's training spot.

It looked like only Sasuke had arrived so far, and he was taking the opportunity to train by himself. He stopped and turned to me when I got close. I visibly flinched at the red eyes staring back at me. Frowning, Sasuke blinked, and they were gone. Of course; Sasuke told us not long ago that he had activated his Sharingan while fighting Haku. But it looked so much like -

"What's wrong?" he said. "Is someone after you?"

I stared at him hard. Then, making up my mind, I said, "Come with me."

Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

I sighed. "Just come with me. I need to see something. I'll explain on the way. Hurry, before the others show up."

Fortunately, Sasuke listened and followed me back to the mountains. Only when we began the ascent did he speak again. "What is this about, Katsumi? That portal is up here, isn't it?"

I glanced at him over my shoulder. "That's right. I - I thought I saw someone there. I don't think they're there anymore, but... I saw red eyes."

Sasuke's own eyes widened in shock before narrowing. "That's impossible. It can't be the Sharingan. If it wasn't me-"

Vision of Truth I: Cat and Fox (Naruto)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя